So is there any chance in the future of the removed mage tower weapon skins coming back ? , Just i have had 8 people i know leave the game because they cant get the weapon skins they want as they didn’t play legion and people have that annoying itch they will never complete the transmog collection they want, same for the blades of azzinoth… i had a friend grind out the warglaives only to find out he had to wait for a timewalking event to transmog the weapons he wanted and just bombed the game off completely and went back to OSRS because there is no FOMO itch on OSRS , if you want it you can make enough money and buy it… i think removing items is very “non new player friendly” , as one guy put it “i don’t want to play a game that basically says you didn’t play this game in 2015 so F you and be stuck and unable to obtain the transmogs you want” Completionism is very important for a lot of gamers and a new player coming to a game that has a massive list of items you cant get anymore leaves new people feeling penalized and it being pointless for them to even begin, its definitely a sure thing that happens, after all its a game there shouldn’t be a penalty to when you complete a challenge for you to get a weapon transmog if you do the mage tower now you should get the weapon skin also, its not like doing it years ago was such a big accomplishment its just time gated nonsense and really annoys new players that they missed out, catering to the top 1% of neckbeard gamers isnt healthy for a game, new players are more important to keep the game alive… ive played this game since 2008 and seeing how many people left due to it becoming Femboy craft and limited time items removed really sucks, i want wow back to its glory days and unlocking all these removed items and mounts etc is a step in the right direction IMO.
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