Since my HC char got in Hell i tried several towerruns. Not couting how many, because in the beginning it took some time (im cold/fire…) because of my low dmg on merc.
On saturday something changed, first of all higher runes started to drop (2x ist and couple pul) and started numbering the game on sunday untill the game crashed during Formula1 race. The first 30 runs i got another ist, mal and 2ums. And got a total of 7 of 8 keys on those 2 days.
Im at run 70, thats not a high amount of runs, but the last 40 runs Lem was highest and no keys at all. All this in sologames.
achso, ich bin jetzt die toxische jungfrau hrhrhr ende 30 und Vater aber okay. was für ein delusional clown level du ereicht haben musst, hut ab kiddo. yep d2 community in a nutshell.
It does sounds a bit weird, but really only speculation and could just be odd RNG.
From my point of view you were just super lucky in the beginning, since Ist is the max rune she can drop.
I just cannot understand why Blizz would be interested in adjusting the drop rates, what incentive would they have at all?
At least on the runes everything looks normal, your luck is much better than mine. but on the keys, there is another thread too, could be something going on, at least unrealistic bad rng.
you are talking abou the thread that people got higher rune drop this weekend?
This link Bad loot in game after patch’s - General Discussion - Diablo 2 Resurrected Forums (
And yes it can be RNG.
@Patrick, sorry my bad I actually meant this thread but did not realize it was the same one I replied to. Have not used these forums for years, so a little unused to how the “tracking” works on topics i reply to
I will look at the one you linked, sounds weird ^^
@zorglub i also dont know how these forums work, i just read the funny crying threads till servers are up.
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Bin mittlerweile selber 40+ ABER, solche posts machen nichts besser und ausserdem hat man solch “tolle community” mittlerweile überall … leider,leider.
Keys only drop in hell. Not nightmare, not normal. I have found lots.
So yesterday, when servers where back, 30 runs 3 keys 1 mal. I guess the key drop was OK.
The incentive could be to reduce number of players, as they are the reason for server instability, they have collected one off payment, and they will not have any cash flows from the players, so they will keep the server infarstructure to the minimum. Too many players is bad for them, since they cannot milk customers with monthly payments in this game.
Gto the same issue, wrote it in several posts already. Farmed Countess for runes, more than 100 times, no Terror key drop.
Anyway, anybody in this D2 forums will tell you this is random. Even if you will do 1000000000 runs with any key they will still tel you this is RANDOM. Strange people that play D2…
Probably Billzard forget to put “RANDOMIZE” function call in their Random generator code.
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The drop rate of keys something like 1/12 and it does not mean that you get a key every 12th run, it just means that there is 8,3% chance for a key in the current game.
You really did more than 100 countess runs in Hell and got no Terror Key?
That would be really bad luck. Only roughly 3 out of 10000 people would not got a single key after 100 runs. Even though it´s still possible I think you might not have played on Hell, did not do 100 runs, or really are just one of those hypothetical 3 poor guys.
Im in 60 countess - 2 keys…
Man muss exakt 333% MF haben, und vor jedem Run im Chat den Edelstein 27 mal (für 333) drücken, dann folgen enorm super Drops im darauf eröffneten Spiel
Iam farming Countess also and one run i got 2 keys. But mostly nothing. But with runes it is even worse. I am getting only very low runes or low mid.
my drops bad too, i find only sigons, isenhard and all other low sets, no Archonplates, Dusk , Mp…only low runes , etz, Hell is crap, NM runs better, and all after crashweekend. i use 100-200 mf
Kann ich mir bei dem Unsinn, den Du hier schreibst, kaum vorstellen. Es sei denn Du bist hochgradig grobmotorisch, dann liegt es aber an Dir selbst.
Also das mit zuviel MF die drops schlechter werden ist Blödsinn. Drop calculation geht in 2 Schritten, zuerst wird MF unabhängig das basisitem ermittelt, dannach mit MF ob das Item normal / magisch / rare usw. ist.
D.h. mehr ist grundsätzlich mehr. Was man berücksichtigen muss ist der killspeed, hier kann es sehr wohl sein das schnellere runs über Zeit gesehen bessere Ergebnisse liefern. Und nach rohlingen für runenwörter mit 500MF farmen ist logischerweise ebenfalls nicht sonderlich effektiv.
Aber solange die runs nicht langsamer werden kann man MF steigen so hoch man will / kann.
Und weil immer wieder die Rede von MF und Runen ist, die droprates von Runen werden nicht von MF beeinflusst.
As long as the killspeed doesn’t drop more MF is always better. Rune drops are not affected by MF.
na das ist doch quatsch.
Wir haben auch im absoluten muell gear Meph runs gemacht. Blizzard macht immer genug dmg.
Derzeitig renne ich chaos mit -50% all res und sterbe nie.
Man kann hoechstens argumentieren, dass viel mf (mit garbanzo gear) deinen clear speed negativ beeinflussen wird so dass es sich nicht lohnt.
Aber 500 MF is als sorc relativ leicht mit fettem gear und guten resi machbar.
3 tal set, occu, shako, spirit (oder sogar storm), wt gibt schon recht gut def. Dann kannst du dich entscheiden ob du als ringe, guertel und handschuhe mf, res/fcr oder dmg (+1 skills) haben moechtest.
Wenn du dein inventar voll pumpst mit entweder full skillern (+ anni, torch) brauchst du definitiv kein gear mehr fuer dmg, oder du holst dmg vom gear und haust alles voll mit 7% mf charms. z.b. 30x7 = 210% mf nur durch charms