Add more stash tabs already Blizzard

FIX lobby first …
STILL BROKEN after 1 year !!! my Paladin in HC is lvl 76 ranked ladder 636.924 !so this game have more then 636.924 PLAYERS and hell games 13 -.- and no refresh always same games so broken LOBBY !!! SOLO BATTELNET WTF !!! i play Multiplayer to play SOLO -.- crazzy no fun rly !!

Unless my math is wrong, I’m seeing: 10,000,000 accounts × 24 pages/account × 100 slots/page × 256 bytes/slot × 1 KB/1,028 bytes × 1 MB/1,028 KB × 1 GB/1,028 MB × 1 TB/1,028 GB = 5.5 TB. I mean, 5.5 TB by todays standards isn’t much at all.

All the more, increasing from 4 shared tabs to 20 shared tabs (so a total of 40 pages/account) would only increase the required space to 9.2 TB. Again, not that bad. I have a 4 TB hard disk drive, and I’m just an average consumer.

PS: I realize this post was last responded to 5 months ago, but seeing the math, I just couldn’t help myself. Blame Google for bringing me here. :stuck_out_tongue:

If they would add a currency tab , plus 1 or 2 personal tabs , not shared cause once its filled its done . Then space wouldnt be a problem anymore. 2 personal tabs must be enough for any mules or characters. Currency isnt an issue anymore and 3 shared then noone would complain.
Btw also give some more character slots

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If my calculations are correct, When this baby hits 88 stash tabs per hour, you’re gonna see some serious s.hit!

Why shouldn’t they double it all up?

I believe the reason of the limited stash space is trivial. You know, there is D4 coming. A D2R which is not crippled by such strategic item amount limitations also gives less incentive for switching. I believe even Vicarious visions, the executing team would love to have more item space, they are D2 players as we are, they must feel crippled just as we do. This item limitation has to be a strategic decision at some higher management level.

I think the problem is more the runes, gems and skulls not being stackable than a lack of tabs, the non stackable items are the more space demanding by far. When I played Resurrected for first time I facepalmed when I saw that the stackable gems/skulls/runes weren’t one of the new QoL changes in the game.