Add more stash tabs, improve upon Diablo 2!

We are in 2022, the rose tinted glasses of those who fondly remember the 1990 gaming era should not be a barrier against improving this game.
This needs extra stash tabs (like, a lot of xtra stash tabs), many qol features, reworked overlay map, always compare item option, ability to hide and FILTER unwanted item, bases (loot flter).
The game is nice but it is being held back, hostages by an group of players who badly want to revive their youth days thru it, and this just can’t go on like this.

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your rose tinted glasses are making you blind
why make yet another thread when there’s one just up from this with more hits

Just be less of a hoarder… You don’t need all that junk.

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Honestly, from PoE I really miss lootfilter, integrated system of rolls variables, stash tabs, search item by name, etc.

It would be newbie friendly and I think they can get in more players (I know there is still a lot of players)

I heard of a project that has reworked on various things about Load and I think I will try. Dunno if those characters could be imported in resurrected after using that mod.

You just didn’t play enough to reach that point. There is already not enough character slots to play most available builds in the game. How is there enough stash if you play different gamemodes? Hardcore, Softcore, +Ladder. Don’t expect people to delete months of progression just so that they can play in current ladder.

the purists have a problem with extra storage? since when?

They idealize a purist idol who has no real existence. it’s a great way to manage their frustration

I have deleted most of my season 1 characters after dumping much of the items they had in non-ladder to make people happy.
There is just no point in keeping those characters when my season 2 ones have equal or better items.

If you play the same build over and over again that’s true. But there is more than 20 builds in the game.