All character wiped (Login Issues)

I made a quest to kill diablo, clicked “recognize objects”, I was thrown out of the game. When I entered the game, all the characters online disappeared. I tried to restore files, restart the game, nothing helps. there were a lot of characters, on different difficulty of the game, it’s a lot of hours of play! Please return my characters!


Same here!
Hope they fix this…

Indeed , the same happened to me ! I was doing that snake temple in act 2 on my lvl 21 druid . And the game kept crashing. Certain point i go back to town to identify items at Deckard cain . And the screen gets stuck and kicks me out of the game . I had to ctrl+alt+del my way out . Then when i logged back on all my diablo 2 characters are gone!!! pls help !!! Also i cannot reach blizzard support. Blizzard support is like an impossible maze , like a virtual fort knox… impenetrable

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I have the same problem as aPXuMEg.
After the server problem yesterday i hade all my charecters in Online mode and to day nothing.
I cant belive that Blizzard still have “BIG” problems today with there games.
Hopefolly thay can restor the characters for us all!!! but i dubt that.

the online server are down meaning you wont be able to see your character either. your character in online play is not saved in your pc meaning it needs to be online to recieve the list.

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Выбил гранд чарм из охранника мефисто жму на нее распознать , не распознается. вышел в город подошёл к Декарту распознать и игра зависла. Alt+F4 захожу в игру персонажей нет((( Как Надоело это кривое обеспечение .

Same crap, try to recognize objects, thrown out of the game. Now all my characters has gone. Thx Blizard

servers are down guys.Your characters will be back,when blizz turn on servers.Until tomorrow.Thats a 4 day in a row,same time,servers down )

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25 more minutes still down :hot_face:

just realised that indeed , thnx

They will be returned once the server get back online. However there might happen a small rollback to your character you played last / charactes you played within the last hour.

i know there is some login issue, but i can log in but my account is empty, is this will be fixed or i need to contact game support somehow?


Same story dude - I guess it’s big one.

I cant see all my online champs: 50lvl amazon (actualy I was playing while breakdown and the dialog with decard cain stopped on “finnishing dialog” - I had to alt+f4), ~24lvl sorcerer, ~12lvl Druid… anyway I cant make a new champ too so I HOPE it;s server problem and my champs will be back soon…

myn down also, guess we goota w8,
what else, darn it

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Same, lost all online chars…

Same here, all characters gone. Lvl 73 pally and a couple mules.

Online characters are stored on the server. While the server is down, no one can see their online characters in the character select screen. Loading the game doesn’t connect to the server. It connects to the server through your online characters.

The only thing to keep in mind, is that once the servers are back online and you can then see and select your characters again. You may find that the last game you were in did not save, if it was while the servers went down. The game would not have been able to save the progress to the server for your character. So you may find that items you found aren’t there and/or the level you got to has not saved.

Please can we get the option to move characters from online to offline.

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The only character I’ve created to date has now disappeared. Online character at level 22 now gone and nothing in the stash. Any chance this will turn up again? Don’t want to try again just to have the same happen…


seeing this issue come up a ton right now… I think it’s related to the server maintenance… My lvl 71 I spent the weekend leveling is gone, definitely getting my money back if she doesn’t come back.