All character wiped (Login Issues)

I had a crash with my chars and I restarted the game, all characters are gone! is there a way to get them back?

My character gone as well… can i hand back this product? it doesn´t seems to work… so frustrating!!!

haha again day 6 crashed

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My character gone … can i hand back this product?

is this some kind of joke?

Shitablo ///////////////////////

i lost my druid lvl 65 with alot items

can not connect to sever. WTH? anyone got same issue?

et encor un crash c 'est vraiment n’importe quoi se jeu … des indépendant fon mieux que vous

The same for me, I played yesterday, I logged out normally. Today I don’t have any character.

i waited 5 days lol. guess its no happening

Yea, 1 week here, i already come to peace i’ll never see my barbarian again. He is a missing 411 by now. Fyou blizzard for not care about your consumers, long as you get your money… why care after. Last game i ever buy from this “AAA” s*** company.

this is really not possible anymore, not only is the game still falling, but now I died and when I relogged the game I found out that I didn’t have half the stuff, so I put the relog here again and I still have nothing. Blizzard is really totally coughing at the player and that’s still fairly said.

are we down again? ???

10days passed and server still crashing & going offline?
LOL what a trash company.

During gaming my PC suddenly switched off due to power fault. As a result the character I played offline and offline shared stash was damaged, also I could not load any offline character except hardcore ones.
I contacted support team and they recommended to delete shared stash file and it worked. I could load all my offline characters, but not the one I played during the fault.
Does someone can help to restore shared stash file and save file of the fault character?
Thanks in advance.