All character wiped (Login Issues)

aww sh*t here we go gain…


I just lost all mine too. Pure garbage, how can they not safe guard peoples stuff like this? Like this would be my utmost priority. I dont care what goes down, what kind of crash we do not lose peoples saves etc. I just cant be bothered to go through this again.

I am looking for an official press release by blizz. After all those bad news about them in the last months, they now shamed the last and evershining diamond d2 at all. It is significant to see the downfall, to disgust their long term fans - wich will surely come from d2 a lot.

O my P$%^&*()_…honestly… another roll back and loose loot again.
Play a couple of hours and loose stuff…

Well done Blizzard level 99 Ladder reached. You shall now be known as Matriarch Incompetent.

This is the 4th day with this nonsense and just copy and paste responses.
Please just give a proper technical response on this issue as it seems you do not have a cooking clue what is going on in the backend.


Your characters should’ve come back once the server was back online. I know mine as well as others I’ve talked to were.

Hey this morning i just woke up and no more sorcerss …

  • The character was lost: on the 11 night or 12 morning October
  • Last play: October 11, 22h-23h ( paris time )
  • Online character;
  • Double checked the Online and Offline tab;
  • Character class: Sorcerer
  • Level: 86
  • The platform: PC
  • Character name: Walkover
  • Server: EU

Stable servers or riot


Just gotta love those stupid pointless answers they giving…sigh

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again the server is not good

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does this really want to be a joke?


COMMON, i am literally on my last presents. there is no way you can make me be this efficient at life. SORT IT OUT. PS, if i am buying Easter eggs this time next week i will have lost all faith in Blizzard.


Hey guys, I lost all my characters last Saturday as most of you, but as far as I see, the majority have got them back till now. I’ve been waiting since then, watching the empty main screen, hoping something will happen. Monday, I got tired of waiting and created a new char, just to pass the time, levelled it up to 18th, closed the game, and it disappeared too.
Is there anyone whose chars still missing? I’m starting to feel that these chars are lost for good… :((

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All of my characters on ps5 vanished

I have lost my 88 sorc, 3 other chars full of items. Been missing for 4 days now. They won’t reappear. Blizzard seem to only update people about login issues and not characters that are permanently missing.

Another crash now???

Yep. 5th day in a row:)

Again no chars :wink: can’t play 6 days

Back to Christmas shopping it is, why does it have to crash every time i log on to play.

Happened to me right now also…

And again all characters gone