Among all the hate topics, one which is different :)

So, I bought diablo 2 resurrected in order to play the ladder on PC, I had it for switch already but not being able to find games had me quit it on switch (I play only to farm when I am on my bed) but overall I am SO satisfied with this game it makes me sad to go on this forum and see a bunch of ADULT (I bet most of the players are 18+, at least that’s the age requirement) people CRYING 24/7 every single day regarding X or Y or B or Z.

So my topic is to share my personal opinion and experience with this game :

  • So far I am having fun alone farming mephisto, Baal, Diablo and Ubers. (YES I never found something valuable like an Enigma, but OK who cares? I am playing for fun and when I have spare time not to fill my own pockets (we all know what I am talking about)
  • I am having fun with friends when they are up to play since I had no connection issues and we all had hours of fun multiple times
  • I am ok with the RNG, you can’t cry regarding the drop of X item when you know that the RNG is literally called (Random Number Generator) so there is such a marginal chance to drop a rare item that you are aware you MAY never hit that chance.

In the end, to sum up, everywhere I went to this forum I saw a number of people complaining about botting and connectivity issues and chat issues and X issue.

So tired of these hate topics, if you are not ok with the game and everything seems so black and white for you, why not keep your thought for yourself instead of flooding a forum of hate? I can see the toxicity flowing everywhere I go here damn I am tired of it.

Wish you all a nice day