Amplify Damage vs Decrepify

I am really not sure what I should use to help my skeletons kill enemies faster.

Amplify damage is great, but it doesn’t help my Magi.
Decrepify amplifies damage too. Does it help my Magi? Mouseover doesn’t give much details. Not even how much the damage against the target is boosted. The slow is nice and helpful too sometimes, but 4 seconds duration vs 14 seconds duration is a big difference and soaks up mana quickly.

Any experienced minion masters who can help me decide and possibly give detailed reasons for why something is better than the other?

I’m mostly playing my Necro solo, so no need to take big groups of players into account.

Decrepify also slows monsters good for act boss

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I am no expert, but I am building a Summoner Necro myself right now. Since I’m not high enough level to get Decrepify yet, I have not had to make the choice so I am using Amp Damage.

However I have done quite a bit of research into the build (watched and read several different “experts”) and can offer the following advice second hand…

a) Decrepify is the best choice if you are playing solo.

b) Skeleton Mages should be avoided. They get in the way more than anything and do not deal enough damage to justify spending any points in them.

c) The builds tend to agree on more or less the following skill point allocation: 20 points into Raise Skelly, Skelly Mastery, Golem of choice, and Corpse Explosion. Then roughly 5 to 10 points in Golem Mastery and Revive. All other points go into 1-point wonders including curse(s) of choice.

Amplify damage for trash mobs and decrepify for bosses.

I think decrepify is 50% dmg boost while amplify has 100%

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Thanks for all the replies so far. I think I will use both anyways, but I’d love it if you all add your reasoning to your replies so I can get a better understanding of the game and not just follow instructions.

When you get 20/20 in skellies and skell mastery you dont need to slow trash mobs with decrepify, they die faster with amplify. And you wont loose skeletons, even in hell… Maybe on really hard packs decrepify is useful. But mainly its only used on really hard hitting enemies like bosses.

If you use decrepify on trash packs you are only slowing down yourself.

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Lower Resistant will help your magi. But honestly, they aren’t very good. Most people just level skeles and use high level corpse explosion.

decripify for pack normal mob its 50% amplify + slow them, work well on boss too
amplify is for removing physical immune in hell , you will only do 25% of your skel dmg on them but its better than 0% :stuck_out_tongue: