Another Black Screen Issue

Hi folks, stay a while and listen.

I have another black screen issue. Here’s the story:

I play on a PC, Win10 pro, 16GB RAM, 1050 ti, i5 (I know not the newest but works sill great), all dirvers/updates up-to-date.

After installing D2R yesterday I successfully launched it, got to the main menue, entered the settings, changed the graphics quality and… the Black Screen Of Death (BlackSOD) appeared. I had to hard reset my machine, because I could not access my desktop or get to the task manager.

After that the BlackSOD appeared every time at the moment, when the program tried to get to the main menue. Sometimes the BlackSOD was white or orange or blue.

Furthermore, this issue affected all games I played just before launching D2R. At that moment I realized that my GPU driver was corrupted.

I performed a new installation of the GPU drivers. That helped - the other games became playeble again. D2R was still unaccessable though. Some forums later I found a solution for resetting the settings. I had to delete the setting file in the “saved games” folder to get it started again. It worked. Temporarily, as I founded out later.

On this point I was very happy. I finally could start D2R! My happyness was destroyed in a brutal way. After 30 mins of joy and nostalgic cleaning of areas from zombies the BlackSOD came back and the story above repeted. I tried the delete the setting file trick, but it didn’t help (yet?).

I figured out, that there is some conflict between the game and the GPU drivers. For some reason the game crashes them with a significant chance of corruption. So here my question to the communitty and especially to the BLIZZARD SUPPORT TEAM: What the heck and how do we fix it??


Please delete this topic. I have found that the real issue was in my hardware. My GC seems to be damaged. Each time it has to perform, it dies. I have to replace it. Sorry for inconviniences.