Anyone got a new player friendly build guide for amazon?

i tried to follow a javazon build on icy veins, but found it a confusing spreadsheet of a mess. that seemed to assume that before you even get back to camp after den of evil, you will have runes to use… lol?

so does anyone have a ‘new player’ friendly guide that lays it out very simply, rather than focusing on stuff ive got no idea about like breakpoints, runes to use and gear im unlikely to see/use for a very long time?

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maybe im stupid or something but thats another guide that reads like you need runes and the horadric cube before even returning to town after den of evil.

and why is it putting points into fire arrow when it doesnt even use a bow until much later?

its like these guides are designed by people that have played the game for decades and forgotten what its like at the start.
is quite frustrating for me tbh
other guides for games have a much better progression write-up

Not really. But ymmv.

just try strafezon with any gear but u 100% need the atmas amulet to break immunes. also u can try to find giant skull for knockback and Loh gloves with razortail belt. u can use harmony runeword at start and windforce after. btw java is sucks if u dont have gg stuff like a phoenix shield or griffon.