Assassin Shadow Master guide?

Is there a guide to the Shadow Master about?
Most of the builds I’ve seen tell you not to use it due to its unpredictability (due to being AI controlled), but I’ve found her to be a great boss killer. Currently soloing Hell with her. She took out Nightmare Duriel and Nightmare Meph in under 30 seconds and Nightmare Diablo in under 60 (one re-summon). Nightmare Baal took a bit longer since she kept stopping fighting him to fight the tentacles, but I still took him down first try. When she has multiple targets she is a bit dumb; when she has only one she’s a beast.

Just solo-ed Hell Mephisto in less than 2 minutes. Harder to get rid of the Council than Mephisto since they come in groups and the SM kept getting distracted. Meph on his own just went down - recast several times, but just took him apart.

If you put one point into Dragon Flight you can use it to reposition your Shadow Master.