Ban this "O" and "N" "games" in the difficulty levels

this “gamer” with too much or less items are spam.

Better make a Trade-Tab…

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new difficult: “trade” :sweat_smile:

Not only that you have no more then 20 games available at any time, not only that you cannot find the same game twice cuz the search function doesn’t work, but the list is full with trade games.
I left a game to switch to my mule (cuz not enough stash tab) and now I can’t find the game. The search function doesn’t show it, the list contains 15 games only and I had to refresh 50 times till I find it cuz I didn’t remember the exact name.
And this useless chat doesn’t show game names, player names etc. so you can wisp and join previous game. Once you are out you will never see the same people ever again. Back in OG D2 when you doubleclick enter a game its name stays written in the join game tab so you can rejoin it or just change the last number for baal runs.
Where are all the QoL changes they promised? We don’t even have item lv/area lv. Just some quick cast option and that’s it.
I am disappointed. It’s been 2 years. There is no hope for change.
Thank you.

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angels will be advise our requests, maybe. its in all our hands if the game will stay for the next 20 years. it will be a promise if our attention hang with it.