Blizzard is dead

Blizzard is capable of destroying great classics like WC3 or D2. Instead of just reworking the graphics, they destroy old features.
I love D2R, great looks, lots of fun, but the server policy destroys the whole experience!

Try to create a game: Name already taken → Try another game “”"“CHECK YOUR INTERNET CONNECTION”"" … NO CHECK YOUR SERVERS AND PROGRAMMING!
Solution? Restart D2R.

Join one game. Want to join another one? “”"“CHECK YOUR INTERNET CONNECTION”""
Solution? Restart D2R.

Servers cheap and overloaded? Solution? WAITING QUEUE! And blocks blaming your “INTERNET CONNECTION” It´s ridiculous.

This was my last Blizzard game. Blizzard is dead.


If everyone who said they were quitting Blizzard actually quit Blizzard, then there wouldn’t be a queue to get into the game.


Is that true or is that some random stupid bullshit?

Well, I for one just deleted a lvl 72 necromancer and uninstalled the game. and
Enough bullshit.
I’m done.


i can play very well , no crashes , queue not longer than 30 minutes

Apparently that’s because everyone else quit. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


its true, since you end up in queue and enough time passed that you can enter games again

absolut true, its the reason why iam back here in the forum. its terrible!

Your logic is over 9000!

OP didn’t read the sticky posts, time to cry miserably.

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you dont need to restart to join another game, just wait 30-40 secs and you can join again

Yeah. Why would you wait for a session to timout when you can spend the same (or even more) time just re-launching the game, lol.

Yeah, but have not deleted Blizzard forum account because it’s way more fascinating to write posts here than to play much better games made by another company, right? :man_facepalming: :sweat_smile:


Stop posting Bullshit ! Thanks a lot…

After a new week the Blizzard again couldn’t solve the server issues. In the 21th Century is a BIG JOKE, so looks like, that this company doesn’t deal with the problems.


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yes, and when you have got this error while creating or joining game you need to restart D2R and again you are at the top of the que. Seems like old games are not deleted instantly and while you want to restart the map by creating the new game, if you type this same name you have an error an you need to restart entire game. Yesterday we lost about two hours while trying to play together with my friend, mainly for waiting in the que few times.

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no, it’s not true. The issue is only, that you have a timer (50 seconds?) before you can enter a new game. After this timer is passed you can create or enter a new game.

It’s annoying anyway, because, as mentioned above, you are in this queue when you try to enter a game that’s already full or try to create a game with a name, that already exists also. But you don’t have to relogin because of this…

A good example for “the error sits in front of the monitor” :wink:

the que is not moving at all!
whats going on here???
this is unreal stuff and noone talk about it or do somthing

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D2R is a scam, blizzard scammed us

this is falling into the same area cyberpunk did, refunds will need to be issued soon