Blizzard, the Best you can do for this game is

Bring mouse and keyboard support for consoles.

I just don’t understand why do we even need to ask for such a thing, it should have been included from day 1. Which is also unfair that PC gamers can enjoy controller support but consoles gamers are left out of the mouse and keyboard experience.

If this is such a big deal and you simply can’t do it then at least add THE MOST IMPORTANT BUTTON that’s missing from console and it’s “attack while standing still” Shift + L-click (on PC) this is crucial as it’s used in very important strategy to stand by a certain door and hit enemies while standing still in order not to get surrounded.

Just do it. Make your fans happy again.

I wish we could use the thumbstick that is currently unbound to navigate the loot. Sucks having to move your char around until the rune, jewel, etc is marked in the big piles of loot.

That is never going to happend though