Can't join or create game because already in a game

Yeah… its unbelievable, they posting here that things should be better and in the same Moment other players got the Problem again

same problem here since 7 hours… when fix?

Some improvements to this are Not working

Problem resolved this morning for me…and after few hours of playing, it happens again…really bored right now

Understanding of what? People says that this problem was even in beta. You haven’t thought of fixing it in a month? Or did you not consider this problem important? I personally can’t understand this.


Same problem again…omg

good that my friends can play and i not!

i want my refund this is a broken service and not worth 40€

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Improvements? you mean you made character being automatically kicked after like 4 hours IDLE? this is shit, not an improvement, but I have no doubt you can’t handle any better.

yesterday 8hours, played like 30min ad now again arround 11-12hours
so total of 20h…free days poofed
going for work now, if this is not fixxed, will refund


Yesterday was unable to play for about 10 hours, this morning 1 game and bugged again “still loged in” for about 5 hours…

when will you fix this ???

Europe - Fireart #2412

Same here, only 5 min play and bugged again

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Blocked too for 5 hours now. At least this was a free to play remake game, oh, wait…

EU, blocked for 8h now. Blizz can u just shut down servers for a min? or u dont care about ppl who get blocked by your glitches. If service wont run since tomorrow i’ll refund.

El mismo problema no deja entrar por que se ha quedado en una partida … reset servers pls

Same Problem here!!!

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Same problem again for me… it’s a shame

Same here. Unable to Join or Create games.

Tried restarting game and computer to no avail.

Its Weekend and people need to watch other play and cant play themselves that is pretty Bad, when so many people are stuck where is the fucking problem to restart the server every 6 hours untill you get your problems fixed, that way people that get stuck know when they can get back in the game, right now everyone with stucking chars is waiting for a restart and you dont announce anything, i want to know when the servers get a restart that i can use my char, because when you only restart the servers once a week i dont will pay 50€ for a game that maybe work for some hours a week

stuck in game for all in all 19h. i dont know how you deserve it that ppl still bying your games with this kind of quality.

free my char!!!

stuck for 19h over all and its weekend. do you job we payed you for!