Change HOSTILE, because player killer

Yes, literally yes. It’s worth less. If you have fun punching people, should you be allowed to do it?

If you fun comes at the expense of other people, you have issues and games shouldn’t cater to you.

Let’s say that one pk scumbag cancels out a normal player. Ok, fine. Problem is that one pk psycho would ruin the fun of potentially many more people that him.

That’s fair but how often do you actually do that in say 100 games? It’s rare enough to not be able to rely on it, but often enough that if it happens to you, it will ruin your experience for a long time.


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thats not victim blaming, its a game mechanic.

then quit playing open games, quit playing games that have pvp enabled instead of crying on the forums because you dont have the gall to deal with it. You wouldnt have survived d2 let alone d1.

I pretty much agree with the comments above.
Yes getting killed at lowlevel by a much higher level character is unfun and you are put off by the other player. But a player that doesn’t want to engage in a duel has so much options (see above) to simply leave.

I know the world would be a nicer place if there weren’t people who get their kicks out of making the game miserable for others.
On the other hand, if there is a player who misbehaves and interferes with the experience of others in the game, then these players should also have the opportunity to declare hostility to the troublemaker so that they can chase them out of the game or slap them around.

Just lol at ppl still defending thjs insufferable pk system and move on. Theres a reason why “hardcore wild west” games always fail: only a handful have fun at the expense of everyone else. Say what you want but there js a reason why this mechanic is in fact a relic of the past. People dont like it…

Tell us how GTA Online failed. The game where griefing is a religion, where they don’t even ban the cheaters…they just send them to servers full of other cheaters.

There are people who like it and options to avoid it for people who don’t like it just get over it.

Play in private games with friends is a safe way to do it. It never hapned to me i just started hc for the first time in 20 years, but i think surprise pvp is fun even as the target. Lvl up safely until you can surprise them and kill them, or play softcore. I find the idea challenging

Yeah, I had no Idea this was a thing.
I opened a wp for someone, and they came in and killed my guy. Which was very sad.
It felt uncalled for.
And honestly I was a bit stuck.

In HC always be ready to kill when with strangers in game. Especially if you are nwxt to waypoint or right outside town

PVP should be an option when creating a game.
Lets every one play quiet and calmif they want.

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After more than 10000 hours of diablo 2 playtime in hardcore , I can firmly say that hostile mechanics in diablo 2 are very bad because of one reason: It destroy the game for 99 percent of players. You can’t play public games, because there is always the possibility that someone will enter your game and hostile you and destroy the game. You only need one person - to destroy the fun of 7 other players , and they can’t do anything about it really. Less people create public games, hence making the game lose players over time, shrinking the community. This is not PVP. There is not much of real PVP in diablo 2 resurcted hardcore. PVP in hardcore is usually Griefing method, and way that encourge to hack the game and exploit it as much as possible.

My suggestion- either you make it that both parties need to accept duel , or make it an option in the lobby creation page if you can duel in game or not. Make sure that the option is showed in game for players who join because it is possible to abuse it.

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