HELLO, so my game crashed and after logging back in, my character was missing.
Can you help please ?
Just had the same thing happen…
Same, game crashed and now all characters are missing
Hey, same here ! got dced, logged back and no char
Same stuff mate … You are not alone
hope that’s the character database server rebooting and not a database wipe…
same all my guys are gone
Same for me crashed when i loged in my char was missing
Same here,
Just why blizz can’t just make work an old game correctly???
that insane. Can you restor my char or pay back my game please blizz?
think you
I have the same issue. No chars.
Same here, my char is gone, even without dc
Same, logged back in and no more char
Same here… after a game crash, the online chars are gone… Cool beans!
Hello Same problem here!.
Character disapear!! GAME JUST CRASHED and EVERTHING GONE!
Same problem here !
SAME all chartues gone
Ebenfalls Charakter weg
i exited game normally and my character disappear , next time i wanted to play.
Its so basic error, shame the game wasn’t tested. Where is blizzard quality of doing thing?
Gone for ever i guess.
Same!Wtf!!! I don’t only have that to do, play for nothing.
Same thing here. Logged out of the game for dinner, went back → error character still in game and then the other one → Charakter not found on the server.