Classic Can NOT see games

been bumping this thread for 9 days and no respose… anyone home blizzard?

Due to limitations that you’ve applied in order to limit the amount of public games displayed at any given time (which can be understandable for expansion), we can barely see any active game when playing Classic (non-expansion).

This is actively hurting the classic community as we desperately need to be able to see all available public games. As it stands, we are forced to rely on discord and other third party websites/softwares to coordinate Chaos runs and PvP games.

Many public games are available, not full, but invisible for most players and must be joined manually by communicating the existence of said games outside of D2R. Furthermore, splitting us between Americas and Europe impedes on our already small community.

Please consider addressing this as it’s a necessity to keep the classic community alive.

P.S.: No one understands why we’re not privy to the shared stash on classic? We already have less stash space. Something no one on classic is particularly happy about as

Urgent Classic Matter - General Discussion - Diablo 2 Resurrected Forums (

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anyone home blizzard? almost 10 days and ive only managed to see about 5 games in the server

please fix blizz cant see games

ahh they hopped in here to ban me and delete my comment but still no fix or reply! way to go blizzard

refunding my game today.

im positive theyre gonna wait for people to quit to lessen the server load instead of actually fixing it.

How can they be so incompetent and not even give us the curtesy of a reply, or acknowledgment of the fact that this is a major issue for a core part of the games community?

come on blizz this is day 18 without even a response