Classic mode CAN NOT see games

been bumping this thread for 9 days and no respose… anyone home blizzard?

Due to limitations that you’ve applied in order to limit the amount of public games displayed at any given time (which can be understandable for expansion), we can barely see any active game when playing Classic (non-expansion).

This is actively hurting the classic community as we desperately need to be able to see all available public games. As it stands, we are forced to rely on discord and other third party websites/softwares to coordinate Chaos runs and PvP games.

Many public games are available, not full, but invisible for most players and must be joined manually by communicating the existence of said games outside of D2R. Furthermore, splitting us between Americas and Europe impedes on our already small community.

Please consider addressing this as it’s a necessity to keep the classic community alive.

P.S.: No one understands why we’re not privy to the shared stash on classic? We already have less stash space. Something no one on classic is particularly happy about as

Urgent Classic Matter - General Discussion - Diablo 2 Resurrected Forums (


It would be nice to get some sort of acknowledgement on this.

I even sent an issue report and got no response. Not even an automated one.


same here with the issue report, no response at all.

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a very serious issue for a community of dedicated players that already suffers from low population without outside factors (like these visibility issues) stepping in to contribute.

We’re playing classic for a reason. We all have friends we’ve brought to the game. And we bring them to classic when we do.

TLDR : Classic is fucked, its blizzards fault. They are 100% ignoring us. Atleast if i get banned i know someone looked at our fucking problem…

I have a friend that is added through battlenet account. We live in the same state about 4 hours apart from each other and can not see the same games up when there are games up. Discord for d2classic that someone put together has over 100 active players online at any given time. You can catch a cs game pretty much any time in the discord channel. BUT YOU CAN NOT SEE ANY GAMES UP …

Been playing since 2 days after launch and I rarely see any games up even though I know for a fact there are quite a few players around.

I have met people in classic that are NEW TO DIABLO and they chose classic !!! But due to errors on your part they have quit and went LOD.

The classic community before patch 1.10 was very large. We have slowly dwindled to what we are now ever since. The choices you have made to the way games are viewed is hurting any chance we have of gaining new players and is also causing a few people to either quit the game or for the first time in 20 years try lod…

I would personally like to thank you Blizzard for completely ignoring a community that prefers to play CLASSIC over LoD this entire time.

Making this game playable for console ruined D2R , change my mind. They couldnt make lobbies work for console, so pc lobbies are 100% trash and not remotely close to the way they were in d2. The friends list is 100% trash (made this way for console) not for pc. etc etc etc.

Please get your head out of your ass and at least respond to us and let us know that you are aware of the issue, or that you could give a shit less about us…


Indeed. Thanks for screwing us classic players

Someone stop chasing tail in the office and FIX THE GAME !!!

this is still a very serious problem that endangers the entire existence of the classic community. would appreciate some attention or feedback

anyone home blizzard? do we have to spam you like this everyday?

i can assure you everyone will quit before they waste their time with you.