CONFIRMED - Pandemonium event and Annihilus are available in offline mode/single player

Hello everybody,

I am asking because I have just found an article in Gamepur under which it is written the following:

“To get the Annihilus charm in Diablo 2: Resurrected, you have to defeat Uber Diablo. To defeat Uber Diablo, you first have to make him spawn. To spawn Uber Diablo, you have to sell a Stone of Jordan to any vendor while playing on Hell difficulty. That’s if you’re playing offline single-player. If you’re playing online, many Stone of Jordans needs to be sold to vendors on one server before Uber Diablo will spawn.”

Is this true or this is just a flawed infomration?

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You could always sell it and if nothing happens
buy it back


Thank you for the good idea Mickey…

Confirmed - Uber Diablo spawns in offline mode in D2R with just one Stone of Jordan sold to random vendor. In my case this was Akara and Uber Diablo has spawned next to Bishibosh. Unfortunately I can’t post any links or media files to prove it but you can try it yourselves.

Annihilus can be obtained in single player!

you cant buy it back afair

After the discovery that Annihilus can be obtained in single player I have gathered quickly the three keys and guess what - in contrast with Diablo 2 legacy in D2R the Pandemonium event is available also for the single player/offline mode.

With other world all the things which in the legacy were ladder only, now are available in single player - runewords, Diablo Clone/Annihilus, Pandemonium event.

Glad i helped you in the confirmation LMAO

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have you confirmation of this ?
I’ve solt lots of items to the vendors and was able to get back

I have got Anni charms in offline mode for ages. I think in original as well. It only takes one soj. Then he spawns.

Soj disappear when you sell them

probably so, otherwise you could do unlimited runs with it.
but i was on the thinking of if it didn’t work, then you could get it back

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Nearly everywhere the information is that these two features are online only so I hope this thread will make the offline mode more viable until the ladder arrives next month.