So, obviously, a big part of the community experiences crashes and back to desktop problems. I tried to do a synthesis after reading almost all posts on both us and eu forums. I also tried some things myselfs, after reroll to old drivers and check the effect in blz-log, dxdiag, pathping, …
Please CS, could you just correct me if i say something wrong.
There seems to have three type of crashes, all three seems to have the same symtpoms at first ; back to desktop, no error message shown after crash.
Type 1 : Countess type
Chances of getting fixed one day : between medium and high
So basically, you go to the forgotten tower in the Black Marsh, teleport to the next level, and then crash. It seems to be related to gthe other symptoms, make a portal, take it to the town, and going back through the same portal ; crash.
The answer of Zuvykree on the US forum about that was (04-22):
Your crash is a known issue appears related to going in and out of content a few times, such as the forgotten tower as an example. This is planned to be resolved in a future patch.
Type 2 : Shrenk type
Chances of getting fixed one day : low
Well, this one seems to be related to graphics about fire, or something like that.
The answer of Yryadorne CS in Europe forum was :
Hey everyone,
There seem to be a bug with Shenk, which can cause a severe drop in performance when killed on different platforms, and that may be related to what you’ve been experiencing.While tech. support isn’t able to investigate or fix these issues, please do remember to report a bug on our forums if you believe that you’ve found one. This can help the developers better identify this kind of issue and their impact, and fix them asap:
In the mean time, could you try to turn V-Sync on? This seems to have helped some players with this issue.
Type 3 : Randomly crash after walking/teleport around, but INGAME.
Chances of getting fixed one day : none
This one happen to me right after updating my Nvidia drivers from 472.12 to 512.75
I basically rolled back to 472.12, and I didn’t see that kind of bug so far. I didn’t tried all drivers version, but this one seems the most stable so far.
If that happen, you would see lots of “DeviceLost (0x887a0006)” in the blz-log.
That could be cause by conflicts between old and new files of the drivers, or badly coded instructions given by D2R, but it could be a bit of both (not my personnal thinking, i just copy what is said by nvidia, amd support, and other geeks around the web.
I saw there is a server maintenace for thursday, hope that will fix at least one of them.
I hope you guys at CS europe won’t delete that post, and see i’m just trying to help a bit the community here