Worst launch ever seen. Usually not complaining but paying 40 euros for a remaster… and this
ANY ETA at least? No update since?..
Yeah, this is one way to see things, sure but there is some contraversy here as well.
This was working as a charm on the betas for most of us, and now we find out that our more than capable PCs can’t handle the game because they decided to change up something what wasn’t even communicated.
Also saying that they will continue “in the morning” is totally not acceptable. They should have a 24hour support when launching a game for at least a week or so.
I’m really dissapointed, and I think this was the last dropp in the cup for me to support Blizzard(Activision). How many times will we forgive them?
Having issues with the servers is not an excuse to not taking care of the 1%. They should have been ready before launch. Also that 1% based on your calculation is 40k-40million$.
I do expect somethig to work for that ammount of money.
Also a really good point here. It’s a freeking remaster. It’s been working for 20 years… “we’re changing just the layout and some quality of life changes” they said. It’s is just a reskinning of a 20years old working game for freeking 40euros. Let me be a bit more upset then usually when things go wrong with a new game release.
All around incompetence from blizzard.
Such a big hype around a release of a game.
A game that worked perfectly during beta.
They make a change, ruins a huge number of people’s ability to play.
Slow as possibly can be in fixing it.
“Sorry, we couldn’t fix it, we will try again tomorrow”
You do realise a product you sold isn’t working for a large portion of customers and that’s the line you come up with? You can’t fix something you broke in between beta and release?
My respect for blizzard has dropped below what I thought was the minimum, it is now in the negatives.
Excellent work, surpassing all expectations as usual.
Check your numbers. I think you were ‘fanboy blinded’
I’m not saying I forgive them, I’m just saying that I understand the circumstances.
Are you actually working in a development team in an IT company ? If so, have you ever yourself or your hierarchy pushed on production a build that was, knowingly or not, bugged ? I’m assuming the answer is yes, because no amount of testing will squash out all the bugs. Did you IT company have your team on call 24/7 for the following week ? I don’t think so, hell, that’s not even the standard for banking or insurance related IT products… You have to be realistic, having people on payroll 24/7 is just a waste of energy, money and productivity
Actually it work for 99% of the people. We’re not 20 years back, where games were actually released on CDs and pretty much no one had internet access to download a patch… Things have changed for better AND for worse…
Should we compare it to Cyberpunk 2077, No Man’s Sky, or other recent titles ? As I said, I’m not trying to excuse their behaviour, I’m just saying that their order of priority might not be the same as ours, that’s all.
We can all be pissed all we want, but at the end of the day, we’re confronted with two options: either get a refund or be patient about it. No amount of ranting is going to speed up things. I’d rather have a well tested patch solving the problem, even 24, 36 or 48h after release, than have a patch making things worse 4, 8 or 12h after release… But then again, it’s only my humble opinion…
I bought the game yesterday, can could never see it so far. When clicking on play it changes the button to “game is running” but nothing is launched
This is a problem on your end not ours!!! we have high end gaming pc.
REFUND US if you cant fix this in 1 day !
The refund yours to ask, you can do it here:
Simply inexcusable. You should have a night shift working on this and providing hourly updates. You DO realize a lot of people purchased the game and are unable to even launch it, right? Do you understand how bad that makes your company look when it’s day one of a new product launch and people can’t even use the product they paid you for?
This isn’t like a typical game launch where you’re stuck at the main menu with an error saying something like “SERVER DOWN - PLEASE TRY AGAIN LATER.” We can’t even get to the main menu!
If I were you, I would be seriously taking a look at other studios to work for. Blizzard has lost its way.
have try this cant refund it anymore. Blizzard will need to refund us if this problems is here one more day
Meine Meinung und Kritig dazu.
Momentan rennt Blizzard nicht gut.
Nach den News aus den vergangen Monaten wundert mich das nicht.
Blizzard hat ja auch nur 20 Jahre Zeit gehabt für ein Remastered D2.
Mega Hype und dann sowas.
Ich habe gestern 6 Stunden gewartet für nichts! Dankeschön.
Eigentlich müsste jeder bei dem das Spiel nicht rennt eine Kompensation erhalten z.B. ein Gutschein oder ingame Zeug als Entschuldigung.
Nur das wird nie passieren weil Blizzard auf seine Kunden sch…
Habe ich Recht oder nicht?
The game doesn´t start, please fix it.
I tried getting a refund it just say:
“you are not eligible for a re-fund for this game”
Ich bin einer derjengen, welche im Intel CPU - Bingo gewonnen haben und immernoch auf einen Fix wartet, um das Spiel überhaupt mal starten zu können.
Warten stört mich pers. jetzt nicht so sehr, aber
ich bekomme langsam so das Gefühl, dass D2R entweder
- Ein gefühlt Negatives Buget bekommen hat (entsprechend weniger Personal)
- Vor nem Jahr erst die Idee kam Ressurrected zu entwickeln und daher nicht Fehlerfrei umsetzbar
- Blizz Mitarbeiter geküdigt hat oder übertrieben falsche Prioritäten für Support & Develop Unterstützung für Release gesetzt hat.
ich kann mir nicht vorstellen dass jeder DEV für D2R inkompetent ist … und die mageren Updates zeugen nicht von Desinteresse uns gegenüber, sondern eher an Unterbesetzung …
peace out
The only thing I can tell you is to take it up to actual customer services and open up a ticket. Bear in mind that I’m just a regular user like you, in no way connected to Blizzard. It’s up to them to actually do the refund or not…
I am sure you are wink
Ja ich stimme dir teilweise zu.
Aber es ist trotzdem eine Frechheit und zeigt von Desinteresse.
Wenn eine Indie Firma sich sowas erlaubt sind die Kunden weg und die Firma geht in A.
Blizzard kann sich das leisten.
Haben ja noch ein paar Cash-Cow Games wo eventuelle Verluste kompensiert werden.
Das nächste mal vielleicht ein bischen mehr Budget in ein Hype Game investieren.
Kann man heutzutage alles kalkulieren und planen.
Das ist einfach schlechtes Management.
Yea blizzard! talk to us !
Sabe problem, pls help us