D2R doesn't launch

waiting waiting :thinking:
company is small, they do not have time

Досих пор борода с запуском, ничего не поправили…

5 hours later: STILL NOT WORKING

I am on Windows 10.

Вот не хотел же покупать ЭТО но внутренний голос говорил а вдруг близзарды стали нормальными а не говнорями но нет чуда не произошло!!! Очень интересно играть кнопкой PLAY суки рукожопые!!!


It’s AVX requirement for CPU that is preventing the game from loading.
Since Blizzard is incompetent, we need a Russian hacker to help us.
Where is #RussiaWins

No, AVX is not requirement. AVX Issues / Game Launches, then Crashes on Older Processors (CPU) - #290 by Drakuloth - Technical Support - Diablo 2 Resurrected Forums

Hey guys! Game is still not launching. Thought I will enter in the morning and start the journey but seems not. Remember that pple won’t wait forever…


I would imagine a company this huge would have a competent technical department that would patch a thing like this in no time… It-s extremly sad to see such poor support. I wonder were all the money goes - clearly not in technical competence.


Mac Pro 3.1, Dual Xeon E5462, 32GB RAM, 1060 3GB bunch of SSD and nvme, Windows 10 and bad luck? FFS

The game dont run again, my pc is ok Blizzard what are you doing?

Hey guys same thing here on my phenom rig.
played the beta.
Tried Beta on old(2015) laptop, game launched to a message that basically that machine could’nt handle it.
Downloaded D2r via bnet and got the game to launch to point of that message again. 1 step closer.

How can you know if you actually reach the min requirements when blizzard don’t list them correctly!

AVX has been added and it’s not on the requirements!

When is the Patch for us, the do not have AVX CPUs ready Blizzard? We all have played well in Beta! Please give us a Statement.


They actually have, either on the US forums:

or on Twitter:

Latest update (8:23 AM CET) said that the build they tried to make during the night wasn’t up to satisfaction and that a new attempt would be made in the morning (US times, so afternoon for Europe).

Unfortunately, all we can do is being patient…


Hey all!
Thank you so much for your patience here.
Sadly can’t mark as solution yet but SwHawk’s post is showing the latest info.
This is an issue we’re tracking and is a top priority to fix right now. Please keep an eye on the threads and the Blizzard CS Twitter for updates.
We’re hoping to get this resolved as soon as possible!


i have too this problem :frowning:

Press Play ,nothing happens.Beta was ok. i7 950


I have the same Problem… clicking " Play " button and its not working.
Clicking Play - Launching - and back to play.
My PC:
Prozessor: Intel(R) Core™ i7 CPU 930 @ 2.80GHz, 2801 MHz, 4 Kern(e), 8 logische(r) Prozessor(en)
Graphic card: Geforce GTX 1060

Thanks for the update and for your work.

Please don’t take this as an insult for your person, but I really can’t beleve a single word you guys are saying anymore.

This tread is ongoing since yesterday, with promises that it is going to be fixed soon, and not a single freeking step has been taken since. Freeking unacceptable

Processor Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU X5660 @ 2.80GHz 2.79 GHz (2 processors)
Installed RAM 96.0 GB
System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
Edition Windows 10 Pro
Version 21H1
Installed on ‎4/‎23/‎2021
OS build 19043.1237
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Steps have actually been taken, the fact that they started a build that went through QA somewhat around 2AM at their time means that they’ve actually done something. Unfortunately the build didn’t meet QA terms, which cannot be foreseeable.

I understand people can get angry over this, hell, I am too, but I also can ake a step back an take into account that this issue – with a 1.5k post on the US forums, from which at least a third is ranting and not helping the devs, so let’s say 1k user actually reporting the bug, and let’s be generous, affects actually ten times more people – affects something like 10k users. I don’t know how many sales were made during the pre-release period, but I’m assuming that it ranges between 10 to 100 millions. So this particular issue is affecting 0.1% to 1% of the userbase…

Compare that to the server issues they ran into during the night, that possibly affect the 99 to 99.9% other users… Blizzard is out making profit, so that means they have to please the bigger base… So first things that got fixed were the servers… Then they could move on the the other, more minor bugs… Yes this is most disgruntling to hear/read, but that’s a cold hard fact… Actually I’m somewhat relieved they actually tried to compile a build through the night, even if eventually it was unsuccessful… They actually care about that 1% or 0.1%…