So what. Blizzard already said it is a problem with the old code that they reused and now they are rewriting it. As if all IT companies reusing old code are constantly asking the former developers responsible for that code about it. He isn’t working for Blizzard anymore. Of course they did not ask him. Those developers should have documented what they did at that time. But that‘s something most developers always feel it is not necessary and those who have to work with the stuff afterwards are always those who are … . Sorry, if he really thinks they should have asked him, than he indirectly acknowledges, that they failed on doing their documentation…
Different times and different mores. Still that does not mean I would not wish for both the old Blizzard and old Blizzard North team to finally find a way to bury the hatchet. There is def some old wounds still there and bitterness from both sides, which is a pity cause by working together they did bring us one of the classic games.
And yeah I do think it would be nice for the devs of D4 to have a talk with the old Blizard North team about what in their eyes makes a Diablo game a Diablo game.
That does not mean they can not give it their own spin after, but somehow Blizard North team made it work with both 1 and 2, while Diablo 3 though is quite enjoyable on its own despite its faults (last season with ethereals hunt was one of most fun in long time in that game) just does not feel like a Diablo game in the end.
Strange. Since there are definitely developers who manage to do this. They even manage to write their code in a clean way that enables other developers to actually be able to understand what they did there. On the other hand there are those developers whose code is just a mess even though at the time it does exactly what is wanted.
Though doing it right in the beginning (clean and well documented) will in the long run always be faster.
Yeah, which people in the last twenty years definitely found out. I am not a developer, but look at organisations from the outside due to my job and well the amount of them with some legacy issues when comes to software is staggering.
Documentation should be a priority, but if def was not twenty to thirty years ago.
It doesn’t matter whether it’s spagetti code or refusal to invest into server capacity. Everyone paid 40$ and it’s a scam that we can’t play properly. And honestly i don’t care how they fix it but truth be told, they wont at all.
For you - it doesn’t matter, for me - does. Also it matters when someone makes some stupid comments like “Huuurrr duuuurrrr greedy Blizz don’t want to buy a server”.
So if they won’t fix it - what are you doing here?
it’s this kind of shite statement that makes these threads so funny.
Imagine someone buying something at the store but something is faulty so you go back to the store, but while employees are figuring out what to do you start yelling “SCAM, I’M BEING SCAMMED”
If the code needs to be rewritten, having more people on the job will only complicate matters as it becomes harder to synchronize their work. Buying more servers has ZERO impact for this problem because the code is shite.
Yes this situation sucks and yes Blizzard should improve on their communication, but damn…
Some people just need to take a chillpill and relax a bit
Ofcourse. Just make sure the claims you make are correct. Keep your cool, it’s the best way to deal with stuff like this.
Claiming scam and whatnot helps nobody and doesn’t improve the situation in any way or form.
No one is doubting a multi-billion dollar company can throw enough money at a problem to solve it. The issue is, this shouldn’t be a problem in 2021. As has been exhaustively pointed out, they didn’t beta properly or long enough.
David Brevik may have said that “preserving game authenticity” is impossible but anyone with two braincells can deduce that. The mere act of making it 3d is a loss of authenticity. That doesn’t excuse the server issues.