Diablo 2 Ressurect refund

Good morning,
I am not happy with the purchase of Diablo 2 Resurrect,
I ask for a refund of the purchase.
The reason is that your servers are not working and the game is constantly crashing and in fact renders the game unusable.
I await your reply.


same, i want a full refund. Game plays like its fucking 2001 and on the same fckin server u had it running on back then. completely unacceptable. This game should simply be called package loss 2. Its a wonder you havent been flagged by every gamer outlet, but you probably payed the reviewers for a positive tone. Like the real capitalist pieces of shits you are.


I wouldn’t bank on getting a refund if you have played the game for more than an hour.


game refund not viable

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google it and go to ur account settings to ask for one. apparently you are not eligible if played for enough hours


this game shouldnt even be on sale. they’ve literally copy pasted every single piece of code and revamped the graphics. But it still runs exactly like the original diablo 2. Like shit. How am i given a loading screen for 10 seconds giving monsters time to gang up on me on the waypoint in a 20+ year old game? How are the monsters literally ghosting every attack i make? They’re not where they appear on screen and then i get hit from out of nowhere 3 times and die instantly? how is this an acceptable state of a game released in 2021? and the game doesnt even fucking work online half of the time. I cant even play a single player game with my online character to escape the shitty package loss the server is forcing upon my character. This game release is a fckin scandal. only topped by cyber punk.


oh no i take that back, cyber punk i could atleast play through without my game crashing 10 times on one day. Cyber punk was actually better than diablo 2. Now if thats not putting shit into perspective for these blizzard tards, i dont know what does.


servers down again, imagine that… second time on one day.


the answer from blizzard support has arrived:


We were unable to complete the refund on the following order:

  • EU #####
  • Diablo® II: Resurrected ™

Possible causes are:

  • One or more of the products included in this purchase have already been consumed.
  • It has been too long since the purchase of the game.

If the refund request was not made by you, make sure your account is protected by following the advice indicated in this guide: Securing a Battle.net Account - Blizzard Support

Yours sincerely,

Blizzard Entertainment
Customer service

I will never buy a Blizzard product again.
People who are not serious and above all they are selling a game that does not work.

Here everyone can leave their own comment on a purchased game.

Doesn’t it just work on me?
Or to others too?
Thanks also for your opinions.

Because whoever writes the games buys them
and the reimbursement must prove the seriousness of a company
to make future purchases with confidence
never again a blizzard product


I have only bad experience with Diablo 2 Resurrect from launching the game.
The reason is that your servers are not working and the game is constantly crashing and in fact renders the game unusable.
I ask for a refund of the purchase.
I await your reply.


hello blizzard, i would like a full refund seeing how you sold me an unplayable, unpolished and unfinished product. You didnt even bother to fix the monestary doors, they’re still bugged and closed when opened…
One would think you as a giant gaming company could get atleast minor details right, but you havent done ANYTHING to improve the game or the netcode… This is definitely the very last product i ever get from your company, thats for certain.


haha Blizzard would even bite their own feet rather than give a refund. Blizzard is another Ubisoft nowadays. Maybe the community manager are interested what the community needs, but the company is evolving in a scam for each passing day. I had doubts buying D2R. Now I am sure. It was the last money for Blizzard.


absolutely ridiculous players would not be able to refund anymore, the game’s services are disappointing so far.

Myself, i’m not looking for a refund, still love the game to much the very least blizzard could do is atleast fkng return the lost items to all the players caught in their shit

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Several times yesterday too. And the char i played lost their lvls :frowning:

Oh thats nice to lose progression and having to do it all over again. I just did a countess run and upgraded my mercs armor before the game crashed… Now i wonder what point the game will roll back to…? if i lost my upped duriels shell im gonna be sad…

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:cry: :sob: If it happens i feel really sorry for u

As much as i love diablo 2, if it was possible, i would want a refund too…

Big company like blizzard running a game like this, how is that even possible.

100% is my last blizzard product too, i bought this for the nostalgia feel.


to hell with their policy. policy is one thing, but when you create a shitty situation like this - then you gotta be able to face up to your mistakes, if not then the repercussions will come further down the line in the form of fewer customers. Put that spine back into your body and stop being an invertebrate stepping matte for blizzard.


I’m waiting for them to forgot about this game as W3 Reforged then stop supporting and leave everything as it is. :wink:

yea, thats exactly whats going to happen. i was hoping we’d get some support for the new diablo 2 game… But instead we get this shit… “package loss 2 resurrected” i call it… this server state is just… unbelievable … completely unbelievable… we’re legit as mrlamasc says “a community gripped by stockholm syndrome…” and blizzard is the sadist.