Easy Fix for Serverproblems!

in poe you can just recreate an instance and reset an area with shift+click if you leave or enter a zone… just saying~

Developer here.
This is actually possible. The code base has to be written in a way that all variables belonging to a certain group, that can be resettet “monsters, chests, maps, etc”. are grouped up are reinitialized.
This should be done under certain conditions, e.g. no other player is in the game to avoid possible glitches, but in the end, it would reduce a lot of overhead. The servers just have to roll some new random numbers for the maps and reinitialize variables.

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No. The game still stays active and the maps will be rerolled. Another user said that the maps are not created by creating the game.

So the main question is: When are the maps rolled?!

If the maps are rolled after creating the game, wenn the data is already transferred to the other server, then an “map reset” would be an easy solution.

If the maps are rolled before the data is transferred to the other server, then this would reset would not fix anything until the core of the game would be changed.

Take a look into that suggest and share your opinion Suggest: Recreate world button