Eu server is dead

lags, rubber banding and cant see the games to join.

Would you try to fix your server or is this game just completely abandoned?


Think no1 cares about EU.
I’m thinking about refunding d4 exp because of this crap.


I Think Blizz want to force us to play this D4 crap 8[

Hi blizzard can you fix the server? its been like this since MONDAY, its a WEEK now. we get weird lagspikes its unplayable for us hardcore players, one wrong move and your dead.

i hope microsoft will fired all the blizzard team… people need a good games, not that shit they made after diablo2 and starcraft2… and yes the servers lag all the time we play but “Desper” this is the problem on ur side that u cant see the games.

D4 is trash !!!

Nope, d4 good game. If there were no loot boxes, it would be great