Failed to enter game. This character is already in a game on the server. Please try again

Hi, i have this problem for almost 2 hours, i can’t enter the game, in the forum i read that it takes 1 hour to automaticaly unstuck the character, but as i mentioned 2 hours have passed and the problem still exists, please help me fix this…

Having the same issue since this morning with every online character. Funny: even created a new one, so never played, but “…is already in a game…”.

Yes, that goes for me too, with all the characters i haven’t played it’s displayng the same mesage.

kollege von mir hatt das problem auch seit 2 stunden

Same here for both accounts. Liou#21843 - Bizeli#22216 for more than 3 hours

I really appreciate if someone will do something quickly. Its Sunday most people have only one day free. Im sure an operator already seen this topic or your ai

Same here on my account suddenly disconnected 4 hours ago and now all the chars are stuck

it’s been 5 h now… it seems tech support is not chatty.

Same issue here. “This character is already in a game on the sever. Please try again.” for at least the last 4 hours.

Same issue here. “This character is already in a game on the sever. Please try again.” for at least the last 6 hours.

It’s been 12 hours . My hero is still in the game, I can’t log in.

yea nothing changed here also, still 12-13h…