Failed to enter game. This character is already in a game on the server. Please try again"


I am getting disconnected from D2R online games the last week or so. It has become more and more frequent. Once i get disconnected with a certain character i get the message in the topic headline: “Failed to enter game. This character is already in a game on the server. Please try again.” The character is locked for 30sec to a minute. Sometimes it happens every 3 minutes, sometimes its an hour between.

However, I have no latency or connection issues (it seems) from my side. A rolling ping to both my gateway, google or my work-server all show no increase in latency and 0% packetloss across multiple hours while the problem is happenening. So i dont think its my equipment or local provider.

Previously trying to find routing problems there was a Blizzard IP that we could pathping (e.g. pingplotter). But i can’t find it anymore and it seems its been that service from Blizzard is not available anymore.

Anyone experiencing similar problems with D2R?

-disconnects (just from inside a game out to the lobby in D2R)
-character briefly blocked from logging in again

It will be hard to argue with my ISP about routing issues without a pathping. Any tips?

Cheers =)

Edit: forgot to mention, this also occurs when i leave some games and try to join a new one right after. Locks me out a good 30sec sometimes.