Fix servers please

Yo Blizzard or Microtrash, could we lend one of your interns just for a few hours? D2R servers is pritty much unplayable. I mean, you prob dont pay your interns, so nofthing to lose anyway. Thx


Yes, D2R is unplayable since 27.06 until now on EU Server. Plz fix it ASAP.


We’d paid for a game witch don’t works for many days…
Any answer of blizzard?


I have the same problem, i can’t join a party ! What happen ???


Laggy as hell, unplayable!


If ur playing online solo, just recreate a game until you don’t see the rubber banding, since its not happening all the time.

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I bought another copy in the sales to play with my daughter, and now we can’t play.

I find it shameful that they put it on sale and afterwards they take days or weeks to fix problems that make the game unplayable.

Three days with insane rubberbanding, no games list, terrible lag, and there has been only one blue response, saying practically nothing. What the $%&% is this?

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Blizz want to force us to play this D4 crap 8[

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Are they going to reimbuse me 40eur then? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Go play on the US servers, it’s playable there. I even got better drops there, 2 LO - 1 Shako - 1 Vex and a trap sklr with 30 life. All droped in 1 day, which is far better than what i got the last 14 days on EU servers.

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just got kicked from solo game online, it said i lost connection, but my internet is good, as u see im posting right away, so fix ur serevers please.