Fix the diablo 2 r servers now

only diablo 3 and diablo 4 work with no problem same does wow and overwatch. so i dont get it all why just close one game clent… why not all. fix this issue. it will help all players who makes topic to… read this blizzard mark my words. or microsoft.

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only d3 works which is garbage along with d4
d2 doesn’t work and this issue started for 4 hrs or so.
It’s unacceptable but not for nothing blizztard is piece of trash.
Never buy again any blizztard game.
Fix ur sitty servers and do maintence when ppl are sleeping fukin essholes.

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Shopping site is fine … dont have any issues ( ofc :frowning: )

Le problème chez Bliz, c’est vraiment la médiocrité de leur communication, aucun suivi, on laisse les joueurs dans le flou, quel manque de respect envers nous, je comprends mieux la réaction de tous…

me too.evry time the same with blizzard.its a shame that diablo 2 not work online.last blizzard game for me too.

“which may result in slow or failed loggin attempts”
incorrect they shoud just write : the servers are off u cant play come back tomorrow
“we are currently investigating the cause”
incorrect, its 01:00 CEST time so nobody is there
this incompetent band of rabble went home and doing nothing
check the servers at morning, gonna be the same

blizzard, pls… free jah rune 4 every1, ty…