Halloween Meleemania Tournament

Halloween Meleemania Tournament hosted by @Teemo and Tecarts (our discord admin) will be hype!

Contestants will have a chance to win special in-game prizes in addition to sick trophies that can be displayed in our discord channel.

Come forth challengers and take revenge on the big bad wolf!
See if you have what it takes to become the next champion!

Participants must be in the melee discord of this forum (made possible by our friend Teemo)

Rules : GM melee
Classes : Fury druid, Conc barb, Jab amazon, Zeal paladin
Date : end of october
Prizes are worth 3 digit high runes

For discord invite (and training), discussion about rules or tourney reach out to Aldo on bnet :

  • ALDO#2881

no entrance fee. come have fun!

Check out the original post here ↓↓↓