I have decided to return for season 9, after the failure that is Diablo 4, how is the bot issue here?
Well, nothing has changed
2 days in and economy is ruined, Diablo Clone runs are triggered even few times a day and your high rune is worth 5 perf amethysts
So the usual. Diablo 2 = they never cared about bots. Diablo 3 = they never cared about bots. D2r = they never cared about bots. Diablo 4 = they never cared about bots.
This is how they operate. I might have mistyped as I say “never cared about bots”, the truth is they seem to care about them too much so they leave them be and florish. I suppose it makes the games look more alive than they are and that looks good for the investors and as we live in the late stage of this capitalistic hell; profit must always be made. This just is not possible…