How much is a sur rune worth?

But 1 US dollar costs 1 US dollar you can have in your pocket. And 1 imaginary HR costs 1 imaginary value you can have in your head only.
You can measure values in vex, or in gul (or in ist, if you come from jsp). I really consider those synthetical “HR” value very confusing.

Gul… #20charsnotenoughtoexpressmylaughter

If you want to trade for lower runes ill offer 1 vex, 3ist and oculus.

I can offer you a Tal Rasha`s full set for Sur rune

The HR as currency was useful when they were botted and duped and they mostly had similar value. It is pretty much an imaginary currency now, so we may as well drop the HR name.

I don’t think the list above is very accurate. Personally I find this list to be a bit better:
Lem = 2
Pul = 4
Um = 6
Mal = 10
Ist = 16
Gul = 25
Vex = 50
Ohm = 75
Lo = 150
Sur = 150
Ber = 300
Jah = 300
Cham = 25
Zod = 50
These numbers are also imaginary, but easier to manage.

In any case, the value of Ber determines the value of Sur, since 2 Sur can be cubed into Ber. Without the cubing recipe it would be worth less than that.


These values are worthless as some runes can’t be used to create usefull items.

Yes… Thats why highest runes Zod and Cham low rated.

Do you read and understand befor posting?

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Zod is used for Botd which is one of the strongest items ingame.
Zod is also used for socketing ethereal weapons such as Etherel Bartuc in combination with the Chaos runeword for wwsins.

Do you read and understand before posting?

I actually sold my Lo for a Sur so the prices at the moment are wierd, that is most likeley cause of the runewords written with the rune, its the same with Jah and Ber at the moment.
Vex ohm and Lo are at the moment with the actual values and gul is kinda shit again.

Welcome to my rune exchange office :slight_smile:

Hi I want to trade my Gul Mal um for your vex. Can we make a deal?

Check again:
I offer Gul Mal Um for your Vex :slight_smile:

I know. I want heare your answer of my offer cause your trade pricelist is horrible :wink:

As in any exchange office :slight_smile:
Should actually be: Offer Gul+Ist = Vex but I haven’t Ists atm

this is an accurate chart , it did not change much between the original and D2R.

I have traded my Sur for 12xIst yesterday , it seems like it was a good deal on my side if i look at the chart.

les runes servent a creer des mots runiques avec de supers pouvoir sur les items normal ou superieur doté de chasses.
une sur est assez difficile a looter et cette rune est utiliser pour des mots runiques puissants .
c est la 3em rune la plus chère du jeu avec en 2em ber et en 1er jah .
ces runes servent aussi comme monnaie d echange pour obtenir des objets.
je diras qu en euros actuellement ca vaut environ :
jah=> 10e
ber=> 9,5e
sur=> 5e

la valeur des runes evoluent en devises fludicaires, mais valent toujours la même choses dans le jeu .
:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :skull:

c est le prix normal , peut etre meme 14 ist je dirais !
tu as fait la monnaie de ton billet de sur pour avoir 12 pieces de ist :laughing:

EDIT - nvm me, i just realized i’ve unintentionally been party to necroing an old thread…still the info down below is useful for any newbies or out of date ppl

dont use this, for your own sake. regardless oh how D2 was in its niche smaller community for the last 20 years, since D2R the larger community of casuals has had a massive impact on the rates. that chart is BADLY out of date.

For the simplest example Sur Ist is worth ~3 Ohms now…not at all the 1.3 HR to Ohm’s .9 HR

This is further exacerbated by different trade forums that each have their own micro communities with differing ranges (including this forum) - if you adhere to 1 forum only, you are both out of the loop and always lagging behind current trends - sometimes significantly.

The current popular trend (last ~6 months) is the use Ist equivalency:

Um = 0.25 - 0.3 Ist
Mal = 0.5 - 075 Ist
Gul = 1.5-2 Ist
Vex = 3-3.5 Ist
Ohm = 6-7 Ist
Lo = ~12 Ist but ranges from 10-14 Ist (widest variance between forums)
Sur = 16-18 Ist
Ber = ~32 Ist also ranges from 30 - 34 - take this w/ a grain of salt i dont deal w/ ber directly
Jah = Ber Ist - Ber 2 Ist ???
Cham = ~5 Ist
Zod = ~9 Ist but ranges from 7-10 Ist because of new Patch increasing its value

The communities (yes multiple pockets of individual communities) has NOT adopted what has been done last 20 years but has loosely used it as a guideline while Bnet itself is the wild west where anything goes

Furthermore, the “community” also disagrees on what is a high rune these days with some saying Vex is a high rune (in relation to its value of multiple Ists) or Ohm (because of its value of MANY multiple ists).

In other words, New Blood has come in and shaken up everything - which is a GREAT thing for ppl that can keep up but bad if u hate change and dont know how to take advantage of it.

in short, dont use HR’s to describe values anymore cause its out of date and cause most other trade forums have left it behind - but perhaps ladder will change that? we will see.

hope this helps some ppl with relative value…