I am playing assassin,level 77, i died twice, when i logged in again i lost my main gear... what should i do

i am playing assassin,level 77, i died twice, when i logged in again i lost my main gear… what should i do, iworked hard to get that far… please advice

that unfortunately means your gear is lost. it will only leave your last created corpse in town when logging in. only advice for next time is leave the game if its too dangerous to retrieve your first dead corpse, or if you died twice you will have to sacrifice whatever experience it takes to get your stuff back

it does not have to mean you have to quit the character. find or buy some ok weapons, get decent amount of defense from simple equipment, and do some runs on nightmare or even normal baal until you feel confident enough again. a lot of a characters strength lies in their skills anyway, better gear is only to make the ride more smooth and hell safer


that is sad, will probably as you said run nightmare again …
lesson learned the hard way… thank you anyway


Wait what in the ever loving fudge, did I understand this correctly;
If you die (softcore ofc as hc would, well, die and lose everything) and leave corpse behind, at this point you could still exit and rejoin and retrieve your gear from the corpse that way as it spawns to the town.
But if incase you do not do that, you’ll instead continue towards your corpse and die again as you try to retrieve it and leave behind 2nd corpse. Now if you would exit the game to retrieve your corpse; it would retrieve the empty 2nd corpse instead of the first one and all your gear is lost?
Please tell me this is not how it works and I misunderstood. If this is how it works, it’s idiotic as it didnt work that way in original.

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i honestly also get contradicting info on this when googling it, but i assume op made this post because the corpse that spawned going back was empty

there are some that say its the recent corpse created that shows up at your feet, but i think the general consesus is actually that its the corpse with most valuables on it, in worth of gold. then there is the final possibility of just creating too many corpses that the original corpse gets deleted. either way, the safest thing to do is just exit the game if the first death was not a mistake but instant. if not to preserve gear, then to preserve exp, cause you have no choice but to fetch your corpse with no gear on. if it killed you fast with gear, prob no good chance without it. but agree i made a rash conclusion on how corpse respawn works. its been too long ago since i played softcore to remember how it worked, i just remembered that losing ones main corpse could happen

In that case your corpse in town would contain your items.

EDIT: Did a little test. Bought a blue item for 200gold. A white item for 40gold.
Equipped the blue, died.
Returned to my corpse without clicking on it and had white item equipped. Died again.
Returned to my two corpses without anything equipped. Didn’t pick up any corpses. Died a third time.
Logged out. Created new game. One corpse in town. Clicked on it and got the blue item back from the first time I died. So looks like the info regarding worth in gold might be correct.

And the number of corpses is limited:
http s://www.theamazonbasin.com/wiki/index.php/Death_(Basic)#Equipped_items

if you dont mind doing a second test, you could equip the more expensive item the second time to confirm its not first corpse preserved. but it does seem to be majority’s response online that its the most expensive corpse so that might not be necessary. also because there are anecdotes of people putting on expensive runeword items and whatnot they had stashed to try collect their corpse and died again, then finding out when they logged back in their first corpse is now gone

that had been confirmed in the past by a few folks. But will do if/when I get around to it.

Yeah that would make sense exactly, the corpse always providing your gear. If you die with new gear while old still on the ground; youll have TWO corpses to pick up once entering to town.

its always only one corpse, i think its just the one with most worth in gold. i guess if the corpses somehow had equal value it could happen, i dont know

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no. you will have 2 corpses in the field where you died.
If you exit the game, then you will have only ONE corpse in town.

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but if those 2 corpses both had gear, do you still get back all the items from both corpses? that was the thing.

if you pick up the corpses in the wild, then yes.
if you exit you get one corpse in town and some items will be lost if you equipped new items after dying without getting the earlier corpse back.
According to Arreat Summit it’s the corpse with the highest gold cost which will be present in town.