I didn't pay $39.99 for server down

Are you aware that the Offline Singleplayer mode exists and in fact its what the game was primarily intended for and with most of its playerbase using the said mode instead of the online one primarily over the past 20 years?

Is getting error message after hit play button normal?
I try reset whole pc like 3 times, reinstall D2R 5-6 times and still getting same error message.
Is this normal?

We have tried to have a game-night between 4 players from game release. One or all are kicked about half the time. This is beyond embarresing.


unbelievable. not only that i paid 40€ for the game, again. also losing my time playing the game because some of the progress is lost when you disconnect without saving -.- fix your sh** and dont say “issues are fixed” if the same crap starts over and over again every day. i rather dont waste my time playing at all than getting disconnected without saving -.-


Good thing they didn’t get to keep DOTA2. It’s enough with the games they are currently ruining


I really donno what else to say, same shit everyday, can I play this game at least ONCE without crash or whatever shit is going on? I’m not gonna spend any more money on this company, I feel disappointed.


Je me connecte, plus de perso, je me dis c’est quoi encore ce bourdel encore !

Et puis je vais voir sur les forums pour constater que y’a encore des problùmes de serveur.

Hey les mecs vous en avez pas marre de vous faire avoir Ă  chaque lancement d’un jeu ? Quand je dis lancement
 LĂ  on parle d’un remaster de 20 ans
 Vous arrachez 40 € Ă  des gens, qui vous soutiennent, parce que vous ĂȘtes vecteur de nostalgie et qu’il croit en vous, en votre retour

Mais n’oubliez pas que ces mĂȘme personnes ont sans doute 1 ou 2 copies du jeux de base chez eux et qu’ils payent le prix fort pour un lifting de surface.

Et en plus de cela vous leur faite l’affront de mettre des serveurs en fin de vie Ă  leur disposition
 franchement, je veux bien que vous soyez cotĂ© en bourse, tout ça (RentabilitĂ©, retour sur invest etc
). Mais quand vous allez manger au resto avec notre poignons et que le type vous dit, on paye dabord mais y’a plus a mangĂ©, vous rĂ©agiriez comment ?

Prennez vos couilles et investissez dans des serveurs, ya 20 ans se faire avoir sur le lancement de WOW ça passe, la c’est diablo2 y’a pas 50 millions de joueurs ! assumez !

Pas de refund pour moi, vous me devez une prestation, assurez la !

idem pour WAR3 REFORGED on attend encore les majs.


every day:
“Cannot connect to server”



We used to play the original game in LANs, so we have always played together and enjoy playing together with others. Single player is an option, but the multiplayer online option is the very reason we bought this new edition. :slight_smile: So it kind of stinks they keep kicking players or failing to connect players.


An interesting point. I think, if somebody dupe items, why not just baned him?

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same here for europe. We really like this game. please fix the Problem. The Game looks amazing with this new Upgrade ,but i dont like the connection problems.

Thank you

bangladesh server!!!

Mal eine andere Frage. Diese Prime Evil Collection fĂŒr 12 €. Lohnt sich das? Geht das nur um Grafik?

you should think about a refund if haven’t had any in game time or not had the game longer than 3 days.No i didn’t get any error message.maybe try offline mode first to see if that’s the problem

boycott diablo 4 xxxx


It seems like we paid the price and now they are creating the game with our money!! Anyway I send them a message that I value the game for eur4,99. So for 4,99 I keep playing the game or I want a complete refund.

If you want a refund just tell your bank to book the price back because you did not recieve the item that you wanted :slight_smile:

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Even Blizzard didn’t give any info on board that there are some problems with servers

Give any info how long servers will be offline

Like they will listen , i mean cmon people be for real , i cant remember last time when i had quality and serious conversation with any game help in this game , every time the answer was , we will investigate or plz send us your report here and here , just draging it all over the place untill you dont lose your last peace of sanity .

faut faire des requĂȘtes en boucle.
must make loop queries

3rd day in a row when I can’t connect. I think it’s a bad joke