Well, to be fair. Actually you did.
no problem, time for house cleaning eventually it will work again after my cleaning session
Refund NOW
Devolvednos el dinero
Your post inspired me to clean my appartment
Refund! a team of losers!
they are far too busy respecting woman, no time to fix the servers.
Where do i get refund? This is last flop from blizzard!
(post deleted by author)
Let me refund this joke !! i will play New World , 4 days in a row i cant believe what kind of issue is this?
bien vu =D c’est vrai que le visage de l’amazone qui ne sort pas de boite de nuit c’est foutrement plus important.
Same here, unable to log in. Such a big company and so many issues… REFUND!
your post inspired me to built a new house, launch a new start up and end world hunger, all within time, until servers are up again
esto es una verguenza espero que blizzard nos compense con algo aunque lo dudo
Down. Again. Better we start to think for class action. Is not right that we play only when THEY want, after paying full price.
Que irresponsabilidad el manejo que le dan a esta situación. Es el último juego que compro de esta empresa, que falta de respeto con sus jugadores.
This is absurd! Being in the software industry for 12 years now and haven’t seen such poor delivery. Especially with such big audience.
I know there are some pretty decent engineers working at Blizzard… I’m starting to think that this intentionally done in this way. So many hosting providers, so advanced devops tools and everything needed to pull it all off. Can’t believe how frustrated I’m because of this.
Refund plz. I’m getting out
Blizzard, an all time classic question to you, IS THIS AN OUT OF SEASON APRIL’S FOOLS JOKE ? Seems like it is, you are pathetic!
Don’t blame blizzard, they don’t have any experience at maintaining servers
** Bells ** Shame ! Shame ! Shame ! ** Bells **
Make Penitence Blizzard or Refund !