Impossible to launch game

Just installed, after i press play, i see a black window and then a window with the application encountered an unexpected error.
I’ve done scan and repair, reset cache and application, restart launcher, nothing works.


It’s the same for me …

Аналогично. Запускаешь, чёрный экран, выбивает с ошибкой.

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Me ocurre lo mismo, le das al botón de jugar, parece que va a cargar el juego y encuentra un error, que le está saliendo a todo el mundo…
No entiendo nada. Compré el juego hace ya dos días, y todavía no he podido ver NADA.
Ni el menú inicial…

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ni yo ni ninguno de mis amigos podemos jugar, estamos igual.

severel others experience this issue it seems

bliz pls fix

Hi,there! It´s the same here,I´m in brazil and I try to launch the game,I hit the start button,it changes to PLAYING,the screen turns black,it appears a windows AN UNEXPECTED ERROR HAPPENED and it goes back to the Launch game screen. I´ve tried to VERITY AND REPAIR,bur it simply does not work.Please,Wizzard I don´t know what it´s causing this but there many cuestomers complaining about the same problem.I hope you will manage to fix it soon,otherwise we will have spent our money for nothing…


We’re currently expecting some more hotfixes to address some of the “launch” issues that people have been having. You can read more from the US Tech Forums here:

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That seems to be a different issue as describe:

" Please note that if you do not meet requirements, the patch for this will NOT fix your crashing error. It is also only to address the crashes which occur before the game client launches at all. If you see the client launch (even with a black screen), you are having a different issue and would need to troubleshoot that instead."

Luplon here specifically writes he sees the black window launch, so by your own words this is another issue.

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The game does not start. Are you kidding?

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Aprés 10 jours toujours écran noir avec message d erreur qui ne veut rien dire …

j ai tout tenté ,mise a jour, désinstaller ré installer, mise a jour Windows, Nvidia ect…

si je demande un remboursement allez vous me dire que j ai trop joué ?

Guys… only a AVX fix solve ALL this problems… for sure at this point. I hope in people at Blizzard who understand the situation and work hard to solve.


40€ for nothing … same problem, same crash and blizzard do absolutly nothing. 59FF0E06-89BF-4BC2-BD46-3FBB3463EB05…


Same problem. After pressing play, screen goes black, crashes and windows popup with “Unexpected error” comes. I’ve sent 2 messages to support and nobody has answered anything. Game doesn’t work. How do I get my money back?

Same problem for me.

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Same for MANY… the AVX HELL is the problem. Only Blizzy now have the way to solve.

alguien ha conseguido solcuionar el problema de lanzamiento? Veo que el problema que yo tengo es el mismo que estan diciendo… pero lo mas importante, alguien ha solcuionado algo?

I’ve found the solution for us. Works fine on my 3 yo Alienware with 32 GB of memory, didn’t work on my husband’s 10 yo Alienware. It was a memory issue. Installed 32 GB memory in his and now it works fine. Scan the amount of available memory you have, you need a LOT since blizzard programmers are so freaking lazy in their code.

game crashes immediately after screen goes black and game begins to start, unexpected error… what can I do!!!