Iron Golem, What weapon?

Hi, i’m using the insight iron golem, but i don’t need mana regeneration any more.

What weapon should i use to creat a new Iron Golem?, mostly for the Aura. Thank you.

Don’t use an Iron Golem untill BlizTard fixes their newly created bugs.

It will take a long time before any fixes implemented as it’s the Classic WOW crew working on D2R, and they are notorious to pretend their wallet is their waifu.

Best you can do as a necromancer bot is to click once in a while and move forward, while working or whatever you do as this game has no challenge as a game anyway. The game is dull, boring and you can complete it in about 4 hours max.

It’s a game for people with OCD, where they even fix it so it’s CDO, compulsive disorder obsession and they will start herding obsessions.

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I would advise against using the iron golem until they fix losing him.

You would have to change your pacing too much to make sure the golem doesn’t get left behind and it’s boring and frustrating. I don’t get how they fixed revives in latest patch but iron golem still goes away randomly every now and then.

I saw others mention how the iron golem actually turns hostile if you’re far enough away and your other minions kill it, i dunno if it’s true.

But i’m surprised you don’t need mana regen anymore. Corpse explosion eats up all my mana, especially in areas with many trash units like maggots.

Didnt the new patch notes say this was fixed? Golem for life?

I always using Pride for conc aura… but its xepensive way

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And how do you refill your mana?

Yesterday I did a test, removing the IG from insight and making it from any other weapon, the pride is carried by my mercenary, and I had to use a lot of mana vial. Almost a vial per corpse explosion combat, even carrying 1 stone of Jordan

Golem from the PRIDE ? thats very not-good idea :smiley: iron golem is only end game option from my point of view and you should make it from INSIGHT to get endless mana source.

Hmm … when i have Conc aura, Convi aura, Might aura and maximum dmg skeletons as possible, i dont using corpse explode because they are very strong. When i using teleport too much i must drink potions… but mana is good… 2x soj and others.

Beast gives Fanaticism aura.

You’ve never used a clay golem with decrepify to slow bosses to a crawl it seems.

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Beast is not bad, but better is King Leoric to hand. Skeletons have much more dmg.
Aura give to you some attack speed and some dmg but still not better than Leoric.

How does iron golem made of king leoric increases skeletons’ damage?

I write … to necromancers hand :slight_smile:

Thread is about potential iron golems. My post was about a Beast turned into an iron golem.

To reply to your point, best is to have leoric on switch and use Beast when you have maxed your skeleton summons.

Beast is best in hand, insight on merc. Can always make iron golum from insight.
I tend to use clay golum and decrepify it makes bosses very slow, fanaticism then helps merc and skels kill faster. Use hoto on swap for faster cast.

I’d like to try phoenix Shield but rather expensive.

You really should read the OP