Is Key of Hate drop broken?

I’ve been killing Hell Summoner for 3 days now and I got exactly 0 keys of hate. I think I did over a 100 runs already. Given the drop rate of 0.09 (1/11) that’s a probability of roughly 0.00008 of not getting a single key.
Am I missing something?

50 runs today 2 key It seems that the drop is quite low, you make 200 runs and you do not see anykey, pure rng

Got one finally after 20 more runs. Now for two more…

Looks like someone modified my drop rates after this post. 7 more runs and I got the second key.

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I don’t believe that it is “bad rng”. You’ve done 100 runs or so?

I’ve done 8000 Nihla runs this season so far, and I can tell you with almost certainty that something is wonky AF with the droprates of both essences AND keys at the very least.
It’s almost possible to go 70-100 runs without a single key once, but for it to happen twice in a day, and every 2-3 days? For most people? Nah. That shit is so mathematically improbable that we could just call it a mathematical impossibility. A lot of keyfarmers have experienced a “Normal RNG day”, followed by a “Long period of 1-2% droprates” that toal in over 4-500 runs over the course of a full day.

FYI I run Nihlathak in the minimum 30 second window that you can create games in, and should be averaging a key every 6-10 minutes. Going for more than an hour without a single key has happened multiple times and each time is a literal mathematical anomaly by itself.

So yes, the droprates ARE most definitely to a 99.99…999% degree of certainty broken. - Some of the time.

D2R youtubers don’t seem to have that problem. Maybe that’s because they are running it with friends. Or maybe they just didn’t mention it yet.

yeah, they’ve assigned a dedicated developer to monitor your posts and apply hotfixes based on what you’re doing

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And people say Blizzard doesn’t care…

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