It is time for a collective lawsuit

i´ve been waiting 45 min. and still can´t play.The only thing that comes to mind is pure hatred.


it is time for a collective lawsuit


Totally agreed with it


I hope that there will be some kind of consequences. Never ever had to deal with so many problems, that makes playing a game impossible!


You crooks blizzar directors


The worst thing about it, is that they are saying nothing, therefor are they doing anything???


my game is crashing every 10-20mins and now i am in 311 place in q, any solution for crashes? maybe lowering some setting? at my work pc at low specs i don’t crash so much like at home maxed out i am!


I hope i had some solutions for you m8, but the game and his netcode are optimized that bad, so that we can´t do anything against these crashes :frowning:


I totally agree with lawsuit, i need my money SO back ill never buy anything from Bliiz i hope they’ll get bankrupt in a gutter!!!


I doubt it. There is probably enough legal hogwash in their EULA that you signed to protect them from pretty much anything.

Personally I have uninstalled this game earlier today after I waited in queue for 10 minutes and still couldn’t log in. I will be waiting for Path of Exile next week and play that instead.

I assume it goes without saying that I will NEVER buy another Blizzard game ever again. I have NEVER seen such an utterly incompetent display from any developer before. Almost a month after their release the majority of their players still cannot log into their game and simply play it during the evening.

Either the servers are down or you get disconnected every couple of minutes or you sit in queue for half an hour. And that did not just happen once. Their game has been unplayable for almost a week now during EVERY SINGLE DAY.

I don’t know what happened to the old Blizzard but this current company in its state is unable to run a basic server infrastructure. Oh also did I mention the 3 resets of my character during this past week one of which was so bad that it bricked my character from progressing because it bugged out a quest that was impossible for me to complete? Apparently Blizzard doesn’t know what a “backup” is either. They just roll you back to some savegame from 3 days earlier because I guess backups at Blizzard are only made once every 3 days or something like that.

Yeah this launch was an absolute disgrace. Diablo IV won’t be any better no matter how many more times I hear “we’re sorry” from this company. This company is way past its point of no return in my opinion.

Goodbye everyone. Doubt I’ll ever log back into this account (there really is no reason to anymore). Have fun.


It really is time. Im down.

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chargeback on your cc/debit card. Get your money back and still play.


overreact much?
Annoying AF though, but eventually itl get solved

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i have better idea. how about comunity build its own servers?
WHo has work in IT pls pm me


Издеваются над нами!!! Я тоже согласен, я тоже хочу вернуть деньги, но они не позволяют это сделать. Не куплю больше не одной игры у близзард, они свою репутацию испортили окончательно. Я очень люблю д2 игру, но даже этот факт не позволяет мне больше верить этой компании. Жаль, видимо руководство и специалисты игры совсем отупели из за денег, и их уже не волнует что люди заплатили денег и теперь вынуждены страдать. Мы заплатили не 5 долларов за игру. И то игры за 5 долларов куда лучше чем эта.


i know ur feeling , just queue’d for 40 min , first game i make, connection loss to server andi can go queue again at the back of the line .
Acompany as big as blizzard shut provide bether servers then this .
And claiming its cuz to many ppl create and join games to fast is straight bullsh*t . the 20 year old version could handle it perfectly !


Hi! Try to set a FPS limit. Default is none, and my game crashed every 2-3min because the GPU went to 100% and overheated. I set a limit to 60 and the issue was gone.

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Yes it could, do you know why? Because back in time there were less people playing, a lot less. Stop complaining and get a life xD

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there is actually a very long post about it, you can check youtube as well

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We can’t even connect to on Consoles…so everthing is lost right now.
And it’s like that for the whole weekend.