Laying of Hands - Druid

Does Laying Hands also work on Wind Druid? I ask because Cyclones and Tornadoes do physical damage, so maybe they are affected by both attack rating % and demon damage %. I don’t know so I ask… one person told me no and now I’m using Magefist, but if it worked on demon damage % I would go back to Laying Hands.

i would say no. spells are as far as i know only affected by percentage elemental increase and cast rate. the rest are for attacks only. spells dont need attack rating at all because they always hit unless dodged, and any damage increase to undead or demons on weapons will only affect your attacks. it should be the same for the gloves

there are a few exceptions, but druid is not one of them as his weapons play no role in his spells. necromancers corpse explosion is the same way, being half physical but treated as a spell

assassins trap blade skills using damage from equipped weapons will benefit from attack modifiers even though they can be mistaken for looking like spells. enemies can also block and defend against them like regular attacks. there are also less direct ones like assassin kicks, those count as attacks too and can be defended against. paladin smite has its own rules ( for example affected by auras, crushing blow, attack speed, but not damage increase from items)

if it cannot be defended against besides dodging its likely a spell. aoe damage will also count as a spell. explosive throwing potions are half physical but are treated as spell on hit because it is aoe, despite it being a throw attack. a barbarian using war cry is casting a spell. a werebear druids shockwave is a spell. an amazon using lightning attacks or assassin using elemental martial arts are conjuring spells out of their attacks. so the attack itself will benefit from modifiers but not the conjured spells

Only works on weapon damage.

they don’t use/need attack rating. So it’s no biggie that they are not affected by LoH, as DasNarf pointed out. Unfortuantely that’s also the case for the demon damage part.

Sorry I don’t understand English very well and I had to use Google.
What confused me is that Fury, Feral Rage or Rabies are also spells, but at the same time they are influenced by modifiers, as they are also attacks; now you have explained it to me with great care and attention so I have no way of doubting, but before I wasn’t sure.
So on wind (physical spells) AR definitely not, % damage to demons not even? If that 350% applied to Cyclones and Tornadoes it would be a significant upgrade! Thanks for your patience!

ok thx

ok thx

i should clarify, when i say spells i mean skills that are not attacks. fury, feral rage, and rabies are attacks. rabies applies a spell, the poison, but the bite itself is an attack. i call them all skills, but subcategorize them between attacks and spells. all classes have some spells, sorceress is the only one who has no (direct) attack skills

yes thats also why i doubted the demon damage thing. if it worked it would long have been talked about and incorporated into online druid builds. that would be a significant boost to kill act bosses going unnoticed