Looting the dead rogues. 😄

Kind if a silly thread, but it has always bothered me.
So you kill Blood Raven and are given the use of a Rogue to assist you.
Well, there you are with her in tow, coming across the corpses of what were probably good friends, maybe even family members of hers, and what do you do? You loot them right in front of her.

“Is this you sister? Oh, I’m so sorry. Anyway, she isn’t going to be needing these boots anymore!”

Seems kind of disrespectful. :stuck_out_tongue:

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But… BUT SHE ISN’T GOING TO BE NEEDING THESE BOOTS ANYMORE!!! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Must let the cow in tristram explode mutliple times to get away with it. The Rouge’s are just bad ass Guys who know that looting an leveling is the only way to beat the mea… evil!

They probably know better than to say anything about it to somebody who they’ve personally witnessed eviscerating hundreds of demons.

to fight EVIL you must become EVIL :japanese_ogre:

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Hello tinyE,

Fighting against hell doesn’t come without a price. :smiling_imp: But you have to decide for yourself if you would rather take a sweet upgrade or leave it.



That’s how the characters from D1 met such a grisly fate in D2 :wink:

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