so i have had a shit time finding rune´s and today i tried makin 2 diff runewords and they dont work ?
I have made weapons before with runewords workin fine so im pusseled did i do anything wrong ?
btw is there a way i can put photos in my post ?
so i have had a shit time finding rune´s and today i tried makin 2 diff runewords and they dont work ?
I have made weapons before with runewords workin fine so im pusseled did i do anything wrong ?
btw is there a way i can put photos in my post ?
only need to know the name of the runes, if you play ladder, and maybe if items were gray text and right amount of sockets
the helm lem ist io and the armor shael ko eld… only got the basic boost from the runes, no rune word, i play single player no ladder or multiplayer. Oh and items had the right amount of sockets.
lem ist io is a 1.10 RW and shael ko eld is 2.6
Did you use grey items or blue ?
Is this online single player or modded d2r?
it looks like shael ko eld is ladder only, but i cant tell you what went wrong lem ist io
ah so thats my mistake, Helm was normal but armor was superior.
Its online single player d2r no mods just the new “remade” version.
Hustle should be also work in Singleplayer.
But for better help you should post pics of your items.
superior should not be a problem, it just cant be blue (magic) or any other color besides gray
Hmm that maybe my error then on one of the items
oh well… now you know for next time. also be wary of runewords about hammers and maces, those are separate categories even though mauls and hammers are classified as maces inside the game. barbarians mace mastery also covers staves and rods for that matter, so you cant trust that there is consistency