Im not talking about collecting every item. And you know you are just argueing semantics. Actively playing the game you’d have unlimited characters thus unlimited space which wouldnt be deleted since you’d be logging in regularly.
What do you mean semantics? I was talking about collecting every item and then you mentioned unlimited accounts. It’s not really realistic at all, even if you had multiple accounts you’d have less realistic space than you have in D2R right now because nobody is managing 10+ accounts.
The stash in D2R is 100 slots, in D2LOD it’s 48 slots. In D2R you also have 300 slots of shared stashes. In DR2 you have 20 char slots so that’s 2300 stash slots per account where as on original D2 you had 8 char slots so that’s 384. So you’d have to manage 6 separate accounts/logins and keep them all active, including keeping all the characters active just to break even with what we currently have in D2R.
Never mind unlimited stash slots, just to compare with what we have now would be a real pain in the ass.
You should have said you are a dedicated D2 player who enjoys crafting or someone who is trying to collect the holy grail. I don’t think many people care that you like to hoard items.
The chest limit is a completely pointless thing in the 2021 game. Previously, computers had little RAM, now there is a lot of it. Blizzard are just lazy assholes who don’t want to do anything for D2R. They didn’t even record the dialogue for Jamella and Halbu from Act IV.
In their version of D2, Deckard Cain don’t identify loot in Cube, although in the normal D2LOD he did this.
They still haven’t fixed the design of the ugly Amazon, although they promised to do it. They are just lying and lazy creatures.
yes and people did that, I guess you are too young to have played the game back in the days
I’m 35 years old and I’ve been playing Diablo since I was in school so no, I had maybe 3-4 accounts and it was a complete pain in the ass, I also lost all of them from inactivity. Having 6 accounts and managing them all, keeping them all active and logging in and out of each while Blizzard is ticking the clock “time to delete” is not realistic, especially with no shared stash.
It’s a damn job, practically speaking most players have way more stash space in D2R than they ever did in D2LOD, but we could still use a tonne more. Collecting every item in D2LOD was an impossibility on BNET, how many accounts would you need? 30? And having to keep them all active to avoid deletion, nobody has time for that.
I stopped playing on Battlenet after they finally deleted my original account in recent years and I lost my Barbarian.
take a comprehensive reading course for one, and stop babbling about collecting every item
You literally quoted me specifically talking about collecting every item you donkey, you picked this battle and then you sit there talking about how you can easily manage unlimited space in the old game when to even have what we have currently in D2R is 6 separate logins/ accounts.
They should implement a consumable that drops like essence to increase your stash size . That would add more items for trade and be fun to farm for them
They should just increase the stash size and that’s it. No consumables, no getting there through hoops and loops, not nothing. We just want more tabs, a whole lot more of shared stash tabs. To make up for the 20 characters limit, for one.
I hate to admit this but if I had the patience I would make a bot to like this post forever until it gets implemented or crashes the forums for good.
Thank you.
I hate people like you, paying for something that should be free is ruining gaming