Umm, so I know I can just dump all my stuff into my characters and have them like mules, but since we already got 3 shared stash slots, why not have more? Like 30 or so?
Reason is cuz, I’m a big item hoarder and so now with this new QOL implementation I’ve been hoarding all my uniques from my MF runs and now I’m out of space lol.
Anyway, please consider this blizzard, since you already implemented 3 sizes it shouldnt be difficult/gamebreaking to add more…
I like playing plugy mod in singleplayer D2 for the infini stash, but it’s gonna be gamebreaking online I think. Especially if botters become prevalent. I already notice how much space there is . I wouldn’t rule it out entirely though as I love hoarding 
Completly agree, I already have alot of charakters as mules so for Blizzard nothing would change anyways. Its just annoying for me to hop around my charakters to mule something.
Gems and Runes also should stack and have their own TAB in stash and their set place so you dont have to order them manually like in PoE.
The whole inventory tetris is quite a fun part of D2 I think. I wouldn’t want there to be much more stash space tbh. Maybe one extra tab max. Or maybe more for the more persistent things, like non-ladder and SP.
The way I see it - its a QOL option which is why they added it in the first place. If people didn’t want to use it, just don’t use it - you can still have mules in place of the stashes if you like jumping around mules for e.g. - but for those who simply want to store their stuff & go - this provides a huge QOL improvement for those individuals.
It could be a win-win for everyone, thats what I think anyway.
Some of these are false dichotomies. Like the auto-gold pickup. Sure, you can technically not do it. But why would you? The kinds of people that get upset with this are min-maxers. They simply won’t ever pick the gimped option, even if they hate the non-gimped one.
Personally, I’m happy with extra stash space as it is. They could add some more in for non-ladder and SP though given that it will last forever. But it’s not going to be useful for ladder, and it’ll stop a core part of the progression there: inventory tetris.
My point is - it can be a win-win situation (rather than making everyone use mules so then why even add more stash sizes in the first place?). If blizzard already added more stash space, it means it’s not game breaking to add more. So more stash sizes wouldnt really hurt.
As for ladder, well, the current shared stash slots already don’t work for ladder as they stated ingame, so it wouldn’t break anything tbh.
Like I said, could be a win-win. People who don’t like it and prefer to navigate the “inventory tetris” as you put it could simply choose to do so. Options in this case is always great, as long as it’s not gamebreaking (which I suppose isn’t given that blizzard added the feature in the first place).
As for your personal preferences, well, I can understand that, but I hope you understand not everyone likes jumping around mules when there’s a faster option.
Did they say they won’t bring shared stash slots in for ladder? Wow, must have missed that. Interesting. I would be happy with an infini stash for SP to be honest. I have no interest in playing non-ladder, but love plugy mod on D2 for that reason and some other things.
Yeah, if you hover above the shared stash slot in game, it says “SHARED WITH NON-LADDER CHARACTERS” so yeah it already doesn’t work for ladder. Which is why I asked for more stash sizes since they already added 3, so whats the harm in another 30, 40, ot 100…
For non-ladder characters, I agree that more stash space is almost required… runes, gems/jewels – thats 2 right there. then you have potions, character qol not so much a required, then the shared gear between all the characters (not the class/personal specific), set gear which equates to 2 or more stashes. Sure mules are a thing, but if you’re gonna have mules to hold the items, why not just make it readily available and add more stash space… Make it expensive so we have use for the billion gold we accumulate.
Please give us more stash…
with the cooldown and alot of item mules, its killing me.
its a must that they implement either bigger stashes or unlimited characters
Have you ever considered to clean up your stash?
I did it several times and i‘ve allways found stuff to get rid off.
Well, some of us want one of each unique/set item in the game, so I guess I’ll just have 15 mules.
They did a poll before the game came out and one of the options was to have 10 stash tabs and it was the majority of the vote and they still went with 3 to quell the backlash they would have got from the low i.q. purists.
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I dunno about 30 tabs but it could sure benefit from a few more. I think some reason to collect every item in the game would be cool, but have to be realistic this is still the old D2 code and I don’t expect them to be willing to make any big effort to implement new features.
But more stash space, and stackable gems/runes would be great. I’m a hoarder too, I would collect all items in the game if it was possible but it ain’t.
I wonder if the 4 tabs was due to a technical limitation - it looks like Blizzie implemented basic vendor inventory for the stash tab, since most vendors I think have only 4 tabs for armor and weapons, and some have even less.
Guess inventing code to create more than 4 tabs might have been on the to redo list, but perhaps the development time wasn´t sufficient to make it crashproof, for example?
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which will only allow you to have 5 characters…
they wouldnt need to implement anything new, unlimited accounts, thus characters, was in the old version
Unlimited accounts on the old game. But 8 char slots per account, tiny stash compared to D2R and no shared stash, and they also delete your chars if you don’t log into them, they delete your accounts too.
Collecting all items on old battlenet was an impossibility, way too many accounts to keep track of and keep active no less, you’d need to pay someone to look after it for you if you wanted any kinda sanity.
So yes they would need to implement something new.