I bought the game last night on switch while drunk. This morning I thought I’d give it a try. I only want to play it as a solo thing to fidget with cause it’s fun.
After playing for 4 hours, I have been unable to launch the offline game, as I am constantly in this massive queue to get the code to link my Nintendo and Bnet. However, I am only able to see this code for a few seconds before being kicked from the server and having to queue all over again.
Why can’t you just email me the code?
Why am I queueing for a code most places can send via text message so they don’t require a constant connection?
This is honestly a baffling system that serves no purpose for the end user. I haven’t been able to launch your £35 game because playing offline requires constant internet connection or the game has a fit.
Yes, this is a rant, but it’s also genuine feedback as to say that you have the option to play offline is a falsehood and you should probably change the language used in advertising solo play since it’s a blatant lie.
I don’t know why you couldn’t make a better way to authenticate the purchase (perhaps maybe communicating with the platform the game was purchased on like every other company?), but this is honestly beyond the pale.
I’d ask for my money back, but you probably need some way to actually compensate all the people whose lives you’ve ruined with your escapades the last decade.