My take on the problems

I can understand problems and bugs, especially in new software. However, this is not new software, they could have desgined some end to end stress tests to check for this, for a company this big and with such online experience it should be doable. I prresume the cause is Executives going “el cheapo and el fasto” : “Yeah my good developers, but its all was written and it worked in the past, why do you want to test it?And so much time to write those tests?Nah we are going live”.
Also abit surprising is the time it takes them to fix these… At risk of sounding like a smartass there are design patterns called adapters and facades , you often dont need to rewrite the whole layers of code or try to modify it, tough ofc i can be wrong with this.

And most of all with the state of the game:
ITS IMHO SHOCKING that they are still SELLING IT, WITHOUT ANY WARNINGS. This is imho unethical and dirty.

PS: When it works, its pretty fun, played quite a bit of it.

look at this.

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