Necromancer, spell damage

Please tell me, is there any way to raise the damage from bone spells with items other than + skills?

bonespear is magic damage, and other than + skills there is no item in the game that grants +%to magic damage, otherwise hammerdin would be painfully overpowered(wich already is).

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Thank you for the detailed answer.

Maybe you can try looking into items increasing your cast rate instead? So with the FCR stat, Faster Cast Rate. It does not increase the damage directly, but it does increase the overall damage output in the end. And I assume that at higher character levels, with appropriate items both on your character and your Mercenary, Mana consumption is no longer really an issue. Hope that helps! :slight_smile:


Be sure, Thank you, So FCR and +Skills are all that we have in items stats. Thanks for the tips, the most interesting thing left is to find the right items! :slightly_smiling_face: